The couple Koa and Juan Manuel Santiago were crowned winners of the third Dingonatura Dog Surf European Championship, held this weekend on the beach of La Concha de Suances (Cantabria), an event that brought together this weekend the most skilled and furry dogs. intrepid people of the continent.

The chocolate-colored labrador’s performance was the best rated by the jury, made up of judges from the Cantabrian Surf Federation. Together with their owner Juan Manuel Santiago, they managed to obtain the highest rating for duration, technique, confidence, style, difficulty of the wave surfed and how much or little the dog enjoys the activity.

Also on the podium were José Mendiola and his partner Balto as winners in the Tandem category, followed by Erik Vázquez and little Narnia who received the trophy for the best wave of the tournament, as indicated by the organization in a statement.

In this third edition, the first to be held in Cantabria, surfers of all types and conditions have gathered. Carla, the youngest participant at only 11 years old, came with her chihuahua Kira. José and Wolfy repeated from previous editions. For their part, Diego and Popa signed up because of their desire to collaborate with the charitable cause, even though neither of them had ever gotten on a board.

Beyond the competition, the participants enjoyed the sea and the waves, surrounded by dozens of spectators who came with their dogs to enjoy the live show.

Although there have only been three editions, the Dingonatura Dog Surf European Championship has been gaining followers as a sporting event. Furthermore, the organizers ensure that the event fulfills its objective of giving visibility to animal abandonment, in addition to promoting collaboration with protective associations.

That same afternoon, attendees were able to meet the homeless dogs from the protective associations that organized an adoption catwalk.

On the occasion of the championship, the organizer Dingonatura will donate two thousand portions of food for abandoned dogs to the association that the owners of the winning dogs decide and has also delivered checks worth 100 euros in food to each of the three participating shelters. .