Theatrical programming aimed at a family audience is increasingly relevant. Training spectators from their first years of life is what the Viu el Teatre platform set out to do 20 years ago, which already collaborated with El Petit Romea and now expands its programming to the Goya theater.

After ten years at the Romea, the new stage changes its name: Romea en Família and Goya en Família, because “in family shows, there are usually more adults than children, therefore that also has to be taken into account in the show “says Gisela Juanet, from Viu el Teatre.

This is the step from El Petit Romea to Romea en Família, which in the case of Goya will pay more attention to the shows aimed at the little ones, with the motto “Goya en família, the awakening of the performing arts”.

Leandre Clown will perform in both theaters with his show N’imPORTE quoi, where laughter is guaranteed. During the season you can also see a successful classic at the Goya: El monstre de colors, by the company Tutatis.

Likewise, Pintamúsica, from Viu el Teatre, a sensory experience where music and painting take center stage; The adventures of the shameful lion, from El Pot Petit; and HOP! Stories of lost objects, from Viu el Teatre, which recovers objects from the nineties, to connect with the adult public.

In Romea en Família you can see the update of Dickens’ story Un conte de Nadal i la Mrs. Scrooge, from the company L’Excèntrica; and Un vestit nou per a l’emperador, by La Pera Llimonera. The update is a constant. “Everything evolves and classic stories too, to talk about the issues of now and from now on,” says Juanet.

Alícia also responds to this postulate in the country of mobiles, by Marta Buchaca, which is now in its eighth season. “It is my most successful work,” says the playwright. “The queen has gone crazy, she is addicted to cell phones, she has Siri kidnapped… The important thing is that viewers leave reflecting on what the hell it is that the queen lives attached to her cell phone.”

This season there is also a guest company, the Andalusian La Maquiné, which will present its show Estación Paraíso. All of this represents nine proposals that will offer 50 performances for schoolchildren and families, at a price of €10, and with a forecast of 20,000 spectators.

The Focus and Viu el Teatre initiative has the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Generalitat and Barcelona City Council.