Two of the two people who were hospitalized Saturday were still in life-threatening conditions, according to police.

After Friday’s attack in the city’s downtown, the suspect, a 24-year old Somalian, was shot to the leg and taken into police custody. His life was not in imminent danger, and he was being treated in a hospital.

Since 2015, the man lived in Wuerzburg. He was most recently a homeless shelter. He did not appear to know the victims.

Michael Dauber, whose store is close to the scene, stated that he witnessed panicked people fleeing.

Dauber stated, “It was not clear for a long while what was happening. Then they all started screaming that someone is stabbing people.” It was completely crazy.

Social media videos showed people trying to stop the attacker with sticks and chairs.

Markus Soeder, Bavaria governor, stated that he was impressed by the efforts of many people to bring down the perpetrator. “That was a remarkable dedication. I am grateful for it.”

He stated that “now the circumstances must be cleared up, and the motives” in a statement to reporters at Nuremberg.

Joachim Herrmann (Bavaria’s top security officer) said that the suspect was known to police and had been admitted into a psychiatric unit just a few days before.

Late Friday, he told news agency dpa that he could not rule out an Islamic extremist motive. One witness had reported hearing him shout “Allahu akbar” in Arabic. However, federal prosecutors in Germany — who deal with terrorism cases — still hadn’t taken control of the case on Saturday.

At the scene, people placed flowers and candles.

Soeder stated that “All of Bavaria” is in mourning today and added that flags would be flown at half-staff throughout the state.

The Wuerzburg police used a shot to the leg in an attempt to stop the attacker. This is not unusual for Germany. Bavaria’s police weapon rules state that firearms must only be used to stop perpetrators from fleeing or attacking. It also states that shots that are almost certain to kill should not be allowed if they are necessary to protect the lives of others.

Officers are required to aim for the legs whenever possible according to the rules.