Acne in humans is well known, especially during puberty. But what you might not know is that cats can also get acne, regardless of their gender and age. Acne in cats is similar to that in people and is recognized by the appearance of small pimples or blackheads, generally in the chin area, although it can extend to the area around the lips.

The prognosis of feline acne is not usually serious, but it is uncomfortable for your pet. It can cause itching, stinging and even pain. And if he scratches aggressively, his hair could fall out. Therefore, it is important to recognize this skin condition as soon as possible and take your kitty to the vet to remedy it.

The cat’s chin is an area with numerous sebaceous glands and hair follicles. The former secrete a fat that protects the skin, while the latter produce keratin, responsible for hair growth. That is why it is common to see your cat rub its chin against some surfaces and people, in order to impregnate its scent and thus mark its territory.

When these sebaceous glands produce excess sebum and hair follicles produce excess keratin, the animal’s pores become clogged. As a consequence, pimples and blackheads appear. Nodules, pustules, and irritation may also arise in the area, with discharge of pus. You can even get infected and have fungus in the affected area.

The causes of the clogging of their pores and the consequent feline acne are varied. It can be due to factors such as stress or immunosuppression, also an allergic reaction due to contact with some material –generally the plastic of the feeder or drinker–, a viral or chronic infection, bacteria, fungi, parasites, an infectious disease or a deficiency. of certain nutrients.

If you notice that your cat has acne, you should go to the vet to examine your pet and can control their acne. It is important to determine what has caused it, in order to prevent it from continuing to advance. Also, the severity of your acne breakout will influence the treatment needed.

In some cases it will be enough to regularly disinfect the affected area with an antiseptic and keep it clean. In more serious circumstances, the prescription of antibiotics, either oral or topical in ointment format, may be necessary.