
Danny O’Donoghue Hospitalized After Heavy Drinking Session with Sir Tom Jones

Danny O’Donoghue, the lead vocalist of The Script, recently revealed a shocking incident that occurred during a night out with legendary musician Sir Tom Jones. The Irish singer, 43, and the Welsh star, 83, bonded during their time on The Voice panel in 2012. However, a night of heavy drinking at the Lowry hotel in Manchester took a toll on Danny’s health.

According to Danny, the duo indulged in straight champagne from midnight until 6 am, with Sir Tom continuously ordering more bottles, leaving Danny unable to keep up. The following morning, Danny experienced heart issues, leading him to seek medical attention. He was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation, a condition often triggered by excessive alcohol consumption.

Despite the health scare, Danny expressed his admiration for Sir Tom, praising his legendary career and down-to-earth personality. The incident sheds light on the dangers of excessive drinking and serves as a reminder to prioritize health and well-being.

This revelation comes in the wake of Danny’s struggles following the death of his bandmate Mark Sheehan in 2023. The loss prompted Danny to reevaluate his lifestyle choices, leading him to quit alcohol and focus on his mental and emotional well-being. As The Script prepares to release a new album, Danny’s journey towards sobriety and healing serves as an inspiration to fans and peers alike.