Pets are one more in families, so it is increasingly common to take your pets with you when you go on a trip. You do it with the good intention of not being separated from you and of enjoying the experience together. You will explore new corners and you will collect beautiful memories, which will surely strengthen your bond.

However, you should not overlook the fact that animals are friends with customs, their routine and their environment. Therefore, you should avoid exposing them to situations that cause them stress, such as a long journey or visiting a place where they will not be comfortable. This does not mean that taking your pet on vacation is a bad idea, but that you should plan the trip taking into account certain recommendations so that it travels calm, safe and happy.

Before embarking on the trip, it is advisable to go for a check-up at the vet to confirm that your pet is in good health. You should also check that both their deworming and their vaccinations are up to date.

Take advantage of the visit to ask the vet for advice on how to make the trip as safe as possible for your animal companion. For example, if the journey will be long and you tend to get dizzy on trips, it may be interesting to give you a relaxant, always at the discretion of the professional.

Just as you prepare your suitcase, your pet also needs some luggage for a smooth and positive trip. It includes in it the documentation that identifies the animal, as well as its vaccination record. Find out if you need any specific document depending on the destination and even insurance, so as not to have any problems later.

In addition, you must include their food, drink and medication if your dog has any disease. Of course, don’t forget his collar or harness, a leash, an identification tag with your contact information, a blanket and toys.

Carefully assess the most suitable means of transport for the trip and how your pet will travel based on the chosen one. Well, it is not the same whether it is by plane, by train or by car.

The species and size of your pet will determine the conditions in which you must transport it: if it can go in the cabin or not, if it needs a carrier or can go alone on a leash, etc. Make sure that either its carrier, its belt or any other relevant restraint method is of quality and protects your pet.

To prevent him from getting dizzy or sick, you must wait at least two hours after his last meal before traveling. In the case of dogs, playing with him or giving him a walk beforehand will help him arrive relaxed and tired at the means of transport, thus making it easier for him to fall asleep. Plan the duration of the journey and the stops taking into account your well-being and your needs.