Britain voted to leave the EU in June 2016. And within a year, Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) stats showed a 96 per cent decline in EU nurses registering to work there.

So National Health Service (NHS) bosses have since launched a global recruitment drive to make up the numbers, with UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) adjusting the relevant Tier 2 visa rules accordingly.

So Britain’s open for business of you’re a talented US healthcare worker. And If you’re interested in migrating to Blighty to ply your trade, here’s the lowdown.


Doctors from the rest of the world have made a massive long-term contribution to the NHS — and with the EU recruitment pipeline unplugged for the foreseeable future, there’s an opportunity for American MD’s to migrate.

British Medical Association (BMA) figures from February 2018 indicate that the lowest recruitment fill rates are for positions in psychiatry, genitourinary medicine (GUM) and emergency medicine.

And if you’re willing to work outwith London there’s less competition — the North of England and East of England have plenty of openings, as does the West Midlands.

As you’d expect, there are rules and regulations concerning professional registration and qualification recognition — find more information for overseas doctors in this NHS guide.


As you know, nurses are at the frontline of professional medical care worldwide, and the UK is no different.

Indeed, without the continual contribution of dedicated and skilled nurses from around the world, Britain’s NHS would have collapsed years ago.

Historical ties meant that in the past, many nurses were recruited from nations like Jamaica — but post-Brexit Britain looks set to welcome those from anywhere in the world.

By removing bursaries for native student nurses in a short-sighted move to save money, the British government made nursing less attractive to cash-strapped UK applicants, while Brexit has seen EU applications all but disappear.

So now’s the time to flex your US nursing muscles in the UK —  read this NMC information for non-EU nurses to get started.


Visa regulations for non-medical healthcare staff can be more complex. So if you fall into this category, it’s best to talk to an immigration adviser as a first step — they’ll clarify which roles are regarded as shortage occupations.

But a complex organization like the NHS is crying out for health managers to provide better patient care, improve efficiency and mitigate against the budgeting challenges that cascade down from government.

So if you’re an experienced US healthcare exec with a track record as a troubleshooter, you might have the chops for a career in the UK.

And if migration is a long-term plan, you can earn a British online healthcare management degree to help translate your skillset for a new market. You’ll study flexibly from the US for a career-focused qualification.

If you want to progress your passion for healthcare but are yearning for new horizons, a medical career in Britain might be an excellent move — the aforementioned info will keep your finger on the pulse.

Are you a US medic working in Britain? Share your thoughts in the comments section.