
An event for the Tokyo Revengers television anime announced in Chiba on Sunday that the anime will have a sequel. The event also announced Dōwa Revengers (Fairy Tale Revengers), a mini anime with the premise being the Tokyo Revengers version of various fairy tales. The first episode is based on the Japanese folktale Momotarō.

The original manga, released by Kodansha USA Publishing, follows Takemichi Hanagaki, who learns that his middle school girlfriend, Hinata Tachibana, has been killed by the Tokyo Manji Gang. He time-leaps twelve years back to his middle school days to save her and change his life. The manga’s first television anime adaptation premiered in April 2021, and Crunchyroll streamed it as it aired in Japan. The anime’s Tokyo Revengers: Christmas Showdown arc aired for 13 episodes and was streamed on Disney+ and Hulu.

The Tokyo Revengers: Tenjiku Arc anime premiered in Japan on October 3, and Disney+ exclusively streamed it worldwide. The manga, originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Magazine, ended last November. The Tokyo Revengers Extra spinoff manga about the Tokyo Manji Gang founders is currently being serialized in the same magazine.

The first live-action film based on the manga was released in Japan in July 2021 and became the #1 live-action film in Japan that year. Crunchyroll is streaming the film, and two sequel live-action films, Chi no Halloween -Unmei- (Bloody Halloween -Fate-) and Chi no Halloween -Kessen- (Bloody Halloween -Decisive Battle-), were released in Japan in April 2023 and June 2023, respectively.

Fans of the Tokyo Revengers series can look forward to the upcoming sequel of the television anime and the Fairy Tale Revengers mini anime episodes that put a unique twist on classic fairy tales. Stay tuned for more exciting updates and adventures in the Tokyo Revengers universe.