It is often said that the hands are the biggest telltale signs of our age, more than the gray hair and wrinkles on the face. Because? Because if those white hairs bother us, we dye them in a jiffy. And when we are concerned about our appearance, facial care focused on combating the signs of aging, we usually take it to the letter.

However, we do not pay so much attention to the skin of the hands. This, due to its constant exposure to the sun throughout the year, suffers damage from ultraviolet radiation, which results in wrinkles, flaccidity and spots. Likewise, the cold in winter, frequent washing and contact with chemicals such as when we clean the house or wash the dishes, as well as other routine day-to-day tasks, cause this dermis to deteriorate, resulting in an aged appearance.

To this is added that the skin of the hands is more delicate than that of the rest of the body, with a fineness similar to that of the neck, neckline and eye contour. That is why we often suffer from dryness and irritation in our hands if we abuse washing them and do not properly hydrate them. In addition to your facial care ritual and showing off a pristine manicure, take note of how to care for the skin of your hands so that they look healthy, beautiful and young.

Try to wash your hands with lukewarm water, avoiding that it is too cold or too hot, as both extremes irritate, dry and crack them. Also, choose handwashing gels that are gentle, with a neutral pH and moisturizing ingredients.

Once a week, it is interesting to exfoliate the skin of the hands to help eliminate dead cells. Do it with a not too aggressive exfoliator, either specifically for the hands or the face. Do not overuse exfoliation or rub too much and, always after doing it, hydrate the skin.

Hand hydration is essential for your skin to be soft and healthy. Apply a specific cream for them at least once a day. For example, at night before going to bed to let it rest and be absorbed. If you have them especially dry, always carry the cream with you to use it as much as you need.

To prevent the skin of the hands from aging, wrinkles, blemishes, translucent and cracked appearance, sun protection is essential. As on the face, neck and neck, you should use it all year round, but especially in summer and especially sunny days.

Finally, you can incorporate serums or creams with active ingredients aimed at combating certain problems into your hand care routine. Hyaluronic acid provides hydration and fights wrinkles. Niacinamide helps reduce the appearance of blemishes. And vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant to combat oxidative stress caused by sun exposure.