The bodybuilding world is shocked and mourning the death of Xisco Serra at the age of 50. The personal trainer became one of the best-known Mallorcan bodybuilders nationally and internationally and knew how to use his social networks to show his achievements. Now, the newspaper Última Hora has revealed that he has died suddenly due to a stomach ailment.

This occurs years after overcoming cancer that caused “the world to collapse.” After moving forward, he continued with his life focused on this discipline, for which he had so much respect, and in which he achieved great achievements, and at the head of his own gym called XS, in Son Servera.

His close entourage has been in charge of telling the aforementioned newspaper that the causes of death are natural, without giving many more details of what happened. This has come as a shock to those who are part of the bodybuilding world.

And a few days ago, on May 4, he could be seen as part of the organizing team for the Balear Cup 2024, a benchmark event in the sporting world that draws on American competitions. There he himself was able to receive the affection of the entire community days before he died.

All this love that he has received over the years from those who practice bodybuilding is due to a lifetime dedicated to it. At just 16 years old he started in the world of the gym, training at the Mundo center with Jordi Badia and Youzina Van Pell.

After years of training, he graduated in Physical Education Sciences to understand this discipline even more. In recent times, he has managed to not only be recognized in the world, but to be quite an influencer. And he managed to gain almost 30 thousand followers on his Instagram account, where he published all kinds of videos and reflections of his exercises.

Among other things, he became Mr. WORLD or Mr. Olympia champion. A record to which are added other championships held throughout the national and international territory. However, for a few years he had to stop in order to focus on recovering from the cancer he was suffering from.

It was in 2016 when he managed to joyfully express that he overcame it once and for all. And shortly after, his five-year-old daughter, María Serra, was born. “That little person who amply covers all that void that I have had since 2016 and I feel like the luckiest human being for all of this, and to have the bravest woman I have ever met by my side,” he himself stated.