Karina is one of the Spanish music figures most appreciated by the public. Despite currently being away from the industry, it will not be because she has not tried to support herself over the years. Although she became the representative of Spain in Eurovision 1971, she could not enter the Benidorm Fest 2023 as she did not pass the selection process.

And in his attempt to be able to have a good economy again, and to be able to help one of his granddaughters, he decided to enter the Big Brother VIP 8 house. An edition that he had to leave after a few weeks due to his health problems, but it was an important help, at least for a few months, since in January he asked for help again on his social networks. And it is exactly in these where she does not hesitate to show herself whenever she can.

On the TikTok account of Rocío Martínez, daughter of the singer and Juan Miguel, they have decided to publish a video in which Karina appears next to her dancing a chotis and enjoying the moment. Wearing traditional chulapa clothing, both can be seen swaying from one side to the other and enjoying themselves, trying to stay away from the problems.

The union between mother and daughter has been marked by the singer’s controversies with her ex-partner. Although they now get along very well, Rocío herself stated in Sábado Deluxe that she was tired of seeing how her mother spoke badly about her father. An interview that hurt the Andalusian woman a lot, but it seems that they have already been able to forget and move on with her love.

This comes a few days after the artist recorded a video on her Instagram account to speak clearly about what she thought about Eurovision 2024. In her opinion, this edition has been “bland…”, a “ni fu, nor fa.”

“Spain is good, the boys did very well, but my children, let’s see if next year there is a little more musical level and more beautiful things like that,” he explained, making it clear that although he liked Nebulossa, he did not enjoy the rest of the show. And she has the memory of the songs that she heard in the past at the contest.

“And songs that can be danced and sung with grace because I don’t remember any of them. Well, nothing, what are we going to do, some years it turns out better and others worse,” he concluded, sending kisses to his followers and wishing for a better edition next year.

An opinion that, although many share, there are others who wanted to make it clear that they do not think the same way. “I loved it,” said one of her followers. “Take a better look at the songs that were and are going to be crazy, a huge 2024 edition!” added another forcefully.