Concha Velasco is one of the most beloved artists in our country. The actress, dancer, singer and television presenter marked a before and after in the cultural history of Spain, managing to reach the top of the social sphere due to her professionalism, charisma and hard work.

Although she studied dance and made her debut as a dancer in the dance group of the Opera of La Coruña and in the company of Manolo Caracol as a flamenco dancer, Velasco began her film career in 1954 with the zarzuela La reina mora. From then on, she from Madrid would not stop working until her retirement at the end of 2021 when she performed La habitación de María at the Teatro Calderón in Valladolid.

Due to various health problems, her closest entourage decided to take the artist to the Orpea Punta Galea residence in Madrid, where she has led a quiet and peaceful life for some time.

Since her retirement from the stage, little information has been received about the actress. Last December 2022 she had to be admitted to the Puerta de Hierro hospital in Madrid due to certain complications in her state of health, but shortly after she left the medical center with a favorable prognosis.

Since she has lived in the residence, sources close to Concha Velasco affirm that she is happy and calm, in good spirits. In addition, since March she has been in better health, so the artist can receive as many visits from friends and loved ones as she wants.

But not everything is peace and happiness, since, according to the Telecinco Fiesta program, when the television director and ex-brother-in-law of Ana Obregón Giorgio Aresu visited her great friend Concha Velasco at the residence where she lives, she told him that her only brother, Manuel (father of actress Manuela Velasco), never visits her and only calls her on the phone.

According to the collaborator Aurelio Manzano in the Mediaset program, when Aresu wanted to know more about the subject, Concha Velasco “did not speak, she just began to cry”, making it clear that it hurts her a lot that her brother is not going to see her.

A source close to the family told EL ESPAÑOL that he was surprised at these words: “I don’t know how to tell you much, but they have adored each other all their lives and Concha always speaks wonders of Manuel. He doesn’t usually come to Madrid much, he lives in a town in Segovia.”

Despite the problems they may have had in the past, Concha Velasco wants with all her might to see her brother and she doesn’t understand why he has decided not to visit her. The last time Manuel Velasco spoke publicly, in March 2022, he assured that he had no problem with his sister.

“I see her well within what she is, she is 82 years old, she has been working all her life and has to rest. She is strong, she wants to live, she goes to the theater every weekend. She is a woman who needs care 24 hours a day and where it is better controlled than in a residence. The time comes for all of us, that had to come and it has come. Where it is is how it has to be and it is very good, “he explained openly to the media.