Ana Rosa Quintana has returned to flaunt her passion for fashion, although not in the way that viewers would have expected. If the presenter surprised just a few days ago with a model of the most commented, based on a leopard print in the purest Kardashian style, now the host of El programa de Ana Rosa returns to the fray with a most unexpected confession.

The Telecinco space was commenting on a curious discovery in the tomb of the composer Joaquín Gaztambide. In the place where his remains were to rest, were those of a woman with red heels.

Ana Rosa has not wanted to ignore this news to talk about how she would like to be buried. “To me, when something happens to me, with my heels, with my red or blue shoes,” Quintana said about her funeral, in a totally unexpected way. “It is a sign of distinction”, she added just after.

Disbelief seized the collaborators who had heard the presenter’s words. “What need to be a doomsayer?” Patricia Pardo wondered before them. Joaquín Prat, for his part, alluded to the famous song Red Heels: “Sebastián Yatra already said it,” she said.

It is not the only current event that the Ana Rosa program has addressed on this Thursday, March 9. One day after 8M and the mobilizations that have taken place throughout the country, Ana Rosa Quintana has charged against the Ministry of Equality and one of her campaigns.

He said of the words of Equality about masturbation at age 60 that he can “give some classes if they want” to those who make up the ministry of Irene Montero. Joaquín Prat, for his part, raised his hands to his head after the broadcast of the piece on the program.