One day after 8M and the demonstrations that have taken place throughout Spain, reactions to some of the slogans that have been heard in them continue to follow. One of the most notorious, without a doubt, is the one led by the Secretary of State for Equality, Ángela Rodríguez Pam, in the demonstration that took place in Madrid.

“What a pity that Abascal’s mother did not abort” is what could be heard at that concentration, which Pam herself recorded on video and later shared on her social networks and finally deleted. These words continue to give people something to talk about, and they have been commented on by the Ana Rosa program team on this Thursday, March 9.

The allusion to the leader of Vox has especially outraged Joaquín Prat. “Really, really, I, who am a man, have to explain to these little girls and to the Secretary of State that abortion cannot be trivialized? That abortion is a very serious issue? That abortion generates a huge physical pain, and fundamentally emotional to those women who abort?”, she wondered.

The presenter continued to show his absolute disbelief. “Do I have to explain it to these mamarrachas? That you can’t frivolize? That you can’t frivolize with that?”, He continued exposing. Ana Rosa Quintana added that “fundamental issues that affect 50% of the population of this country are being left aside”, alluding to Spanish women.

The presenter of El programa de Ana Rosa was equally opposed to what was experienced in that demonstration. “Seeing a Secretary of State smiling at the camera, when behind her she is saying, shouting, ‘what a pity that Abascal’s mother did not have an abortion,'” she said.

Quintana is very clear about why they have reached the point of consenting to these songs from within a ministry. “Pam, how she feels absolutely unpunished for anything, because she knows that nobody is going to tell her anything, that nobody is going to stop her, that she is untouchable, because she allows herself. It is unfortunate,” she declared.

“He doesn’t care because he knows that, whatever he does, no one is going to touch him,” he continued. Some of the gatherings who were on the set of the Telecinco program pointed out that this is added to the fact that she is, in her opinion, a “friend of (Irene) Montero”, at the head of Equality. “That is the merit to be in the Ministry of Equality,” said Isabel San Sebastián.