David Bisbal’s brother, José María Bisbal Ferre, 54, disappeared for hours, forcing the Civil Guard to set up a search device “by land, sea and air.” Sources from the Almería Command informed EFE that a relative of José María was the one who gave the notice of the disappearance in Roquetas de Mar.

After being found alive after more than 30 hours without a trace, José María was admitted to a hospital with a stable prognosis. The reason for his disappearance points to a depression that he is going through and, apparently, before he lost track of him, he had an argument with his wife over his unstable employment situation. All this comes from a message on social networks that José María would have published about his marital situation.

“You have disappointed me, Lupe, when you came home from work desperate and crying because of the mistreatment by your boss, I listened to you and understood, not only that, but I looked for alternative work for you. Now I am the one who is having a hard time at the I work and the only thing you tell me is that tomorrow each one his way, well each one his way”, collect some digital that Bisbal’s brother declared on his social networks.

The message in networks seems definitive for the marriage, and for this reason the singer’s brother was missing. The artist from Almería has shared a message on networks thanking them for their support, but has not given details about what could have happened to his brother, although he has revealed that José María is currently “hospitalised, but stable”. “I want to ask for respect for the privacy of my brother and the family, since this has been a very delicate and emotional situation for all of us.”

José María left his administrative job at the El Ejido hospital to become the singer’s road manager after he left the Operación Triunfo academy so that they would not take advantage of David’s fame. The singer has been grateful to his brother, but it is unknown if they are currently still working together. “He has helped me maintain and develop many values ​​that today I share with other friends and family,” David said.

This anecdotal disappearance of the singer’s brother occurs when he is going through a good professional moment, but the health of their father seems to have suffered. A few weeks ago, he explained the ailment that affects his father: “I would also have loved it if my father could have come, but for a long time, without ceasing to be physically with us, he went to his world, and unfortunately today he is not able to to recognize any member of the family”.