Ángel Cristo has set a historical precedent in the history of Survivors. Bárbara Rey’s son has become the undisputed protagonist of this edition of the survival program, not only because of his defiant attitude throughout his stay in Honduras, questioning the organization at all times; but also for having exceeded all limits by disappearing for several hours on the island and having put his life at risk by crossing the production security barrier.

An action that had its consequences, and that is that the organization of the contest made the decision to expel Ángel Cristo from the contest for violating the rules. His return to Spain has been one of the most anticipated, with reporters at all the exits of the Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas Airport and the businessman has not disappointed: serious and with a very defiant attitude, Ángel Cristo made his triumphant entry into Spain.

Wooden trident in hand, on which you can read “Ana” in honor of her inseparable partner, Ana Herminia Illa, and which she did not let go of throughout her competition; Bárbara Rey’s son returns to our country with an attitude in which he denotes that he does not seem to be sorry at all for what happened in the contest.

With your head held high, your face serious and a smile from time to time; Ángel Cristo Jr. appeared impassive upon his arrival at the airport, despite the media expectation regarding his appearance at the place.

An arrival that was initially expected for last Thursday afternoon, just in time for the evening gala, but which finally occurred during the early hours of Friday. Dozens of cameras, reporters and photographers were waiting for him there, who saw how Bárbara Rey’s first-born son was even reluctant to put on the helmets that contestants normally put on when they arrive in Spain so as not to obtain information from abroad.

Finally, the contestant gave in and put them on, beginning a walk through the terminal and ignoring the questions from the press.

At one point during the walk to the exit of the terminal, Bárbara Rey’s son even ventured to walk quickly and hit the brakes, to the surprise of the reporters accompanying him, who stumbled a few times along the way.

Despite everything, none of them managed to get a response from him, only obtaining images of the contestant walking with an impassive expression and eating cookies from a well-known brand. Not about what happened in Honduras, her problems with her mother or the presence of Ana Herminia in ¡De Viernes! a few hours later.

Ángel Cristo did not attend Thursday’s Survivors gala, despite being one of the most anticipated contestants after what happened in Cayos Cochinos, where he disappeared for more than three hours on the island and having put his life at risk by crossing the limits production safety after a discussion with Aurah Ruiz.

Hours of worry and fear, which even launched an operation by the Honduran Naval Force, which led to the expulsion of the contestant. Ángel Cristo, however, accepted his sanction.

“I want to apologize to the organization, the program and all the people who have cared about me, because I have not thought about the consequences and I have acted unconsciously,” he apologized, explaining that he was at the “limit” on a psychological level.