May 22, 2004 was a date widely reported by the media in half of Europe, with its focal point in the Almudena Cathedral in Madrid. That was the date of the royal wedding between the current kings of Spain, Felipe VI and Leticia Ortiz. A wedding that turned twenty years old this Wednesday and that has been remembered in many specialized programs, including El Hormiguero.

The space presented by Pablo Motos has brought forward the current affairs discussion one day following Thursday’s interview with Felipe González, the first president of the government after the transition, with union as the first topic of the night. Cristina Pardo, Núria Falcó, Tamara Falcó and Juan del Val have shared their experience with the event, in particular asked by Requena about what they were doing that day.

The Marchioness of Griñón recognized that she was watching the live broadcast from her home under the watchful eye of her mother. Núria Roca and Juan del Val had the opportunity to tell a closer experience, living at that time near Almudena. The La Roca presenter acknowledged that her entire neighborhood was excited about the celebration, but that no neighbor was able to participate on a large scale.

One of the great legends about that event was the rental of the balconies of their houses to accredited television stations. Its position from above would allow the arrival of the bride and groom in their respective vehicles to the cathedral from an unbeatable angle. For a long time there was a rumor in the streets of Roca and del Val that large amounts were charged to rent those balconies, but the reality ended up being very different.

The gathering was the highlight of a program that included the presence of Puerto Rican musician Myke Towers. The artist specialized in the urban genre has been able to comment on various aspects of his career with Pablo Motos, including the content of his lyrics. The one from Requena has pointed directly to the song titled Lala, which has attracted attention for its sexual content.

“Honestly, I didn’t compose it with that intention. It was when the song came out that I said ‘well, there are a lot of ‘lala’ fans. But that’s my style, throwing in a humorous, but clean, double meaning. I get embarrassed when I hear children singing it. I threw it for the adults, those are the parents who put it in,” the singer excused himself regarding the controversy.