It is one of the most talked about news today: a group of 15 Poor Clare nuns from Belorado (Burgos) and Orduña (Bizkaia) have carried out the first ecclesial schism carried out by nuns. According to this group of Poor Clares, who have already been called “rebels” and “heretics” in various media; The harassment they have been suffering from superiors, pastors, sisters and priests as a result of a real estate operation is unsustainable.

Behind all this is Pablo de Rojas Sánchez-Franco, a 42-year-old religious excommunicated five years ago by the Roman Church and who presents himself as imperial duke, prince-elector of the Holy Roman Empire and five times Great of Spain. In 2005, he founded the Pious Union of Saint Paul the Apostle in Bilbao, which is defined as the true Church of Christ.

A character who, in addition, has surprised everyone and everyone with the luxury with which he surrounds his so-called Pía Unión Sancti Pauli Apostoli – to which the “wayward” nuns are assigned, as has been seen in a series of images shared by the newspaper El Correo, in which the very expensive decorative objects, vestments and other ornaments that the excommunicated bishop owns can be seen.

Among the reactions, which have not been lacking on social networks. Not only are his excesses criticized, but also the luxury that the people in his care squander, far from the austerity and poverty that he should show.

“This fantasy was not even imagined by the Javis,” comments a user of

A character who, in 2009, already pointed out ways in an interview he gave to the Basque newspaper, ensuring that he believed in the organization of class society, typical of the Middle Ages, with the base with its peasants and serfs – the vast majority of the population -, in the middle the nobles and the church, and above, the king. Of course, “Not Bourbons, they are French.”

It is also surprising that in their usual publications on social networks, they ask their followers for donations to continue their work. To do this, they provide a bank account; but not before reminding its faithful to check the “social activities” box in their Income Tax Return – and not that of the Catholic Church – in order to benefit as a “non-profit entity.”

From his networks he reminds his followers that these contributions can be deducted in the income tax return.

This is the new reality assumed by the Poor Clares, who in a statement made public this Monday by Sister Isabel de la Trinidad, the abbess of the community of Poor Clares of Burgos, proclaims that from now on they will be under the tutelage of the “bishop.” ” and its call Pía Unión Sancti Pauli Apostoli.

According to some, the controversial excommunicated “bishop” would have “taken advantage” of the critical and vulnerable situation of the nuns, who were only trying to save their convent. However, they trust that the Poor Clares will reconsider and accept the mediation of the Archbishopric of Burgos.