Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Meta, turned 40 on May 14. To celebrate, her wife, Priscilla Chan, organized a big birthday party of which her husband has shared some images on her official Instagram account. Some photographs in which, in an unprecedented way, you can also see the couple’s three daughters in some snapshots: Máxima (8), August (6) and Aurelia (13 months).

In the commemorative post, Zuckerberg can be seen having fun at his party in several of the images. In one of them, the entrepreneur laughs while his wife carries his youngest daughter in her arms; In another, the couple kisses while their three daughters surround them.

“Grateful for my first 40 years! “Priscilla organized a small party for me and recreated several places where I lived in the early days,” explains Zuckerberg on the social network. The first image is her childhood bedroom, where she learned to code. The second, her dorm room at Harvard, where she launched the social network Facebook (with Bill Gates as an unexpected roommate for the photo); and the next ones on her first floor, which was the office of her company.

“Grateful that people traveled from all over the world to celebrate with me,” he says, sending a heartfelt message. “For the next 40!”

The founder of Meta and his wife have always tried to keep their daughters completely anonymous, although from time to time they have shared some of the moments they experience with the little ones. Last January, the couple revealed that their eldest daughter had photographed them before going out on a date alone, very proud.

Last summer, Zuckerberg called himself the “ultimate girl dad” when taking his two daughters to one of Taylor Swift’s Eras tour concerts. “The life of a father of girls,” he wrote on Instagram. It is one of the few times that the girls have been shown without pixelation and without emojis covering their faces, as he has done on other occasions.

The extreme privacy of the couple with their daughters has always been a topic of debate for many, as many criticize that the couple’s insistence on maintaining the privacy of their daughters, even when their company has been accused of monetizing user data, also minors.

“A masterful demonstration of irony,” denounced an Instagram user in one of his publications. In May, the Federal Trade Commission accused Facebook of misleading parents and failing to protect children’s privacy.

A 2021 Meta internal presentation found that children on Instagram and Facebook were frequent targets of sexual harassment. In May, the Federal Trade Commission accused Facebook of misleading parents and failing to protect children’s privacy.

Zuckerberg himself stood before the United States Senate last January, after his company was accused of not taking measures to protect children on its social networks. The founder of Meta publicly apologized to the families of children who have been victims of abuse on social networks.

“I’m sorry for everything you’ve been through,” he said. “It’s terrible. No one should have to go through the things your families have suffered.”