
Released WWE Wrestler Brooks Jensen Causes Chaos at NXT, Teases Move to TNA

NXT’s Brooks Jensen has been making waves in the wrestling world after reportedly being released from WWE. His recent antics have raised eyebrows and left fans wondering about his next move.

Jensen’s latest stunt involved crashing NXT events, including a live show where he displayed a sign taking a jab at NXT head honcho Shawn Michaels. Security quickly removed him from the premises, but that didn’t stop him from making another appearance during a television broadcast at the WWE Performance Center.

In a video posted on social media shortly after his ejection, Jensen hinted at a possible move to Impact Wrestling, citing his frustration with his treatment in NXT. He expressed his confusion over why he was singled out despite his dedication and hard work.

The wrestler’s social media posts also suggest a potential link between his behavior and his alcohol consumption. Jensen’s references to drinking and his interactions with NXT online have raised concerns among fans and fellow wrestlers.

As speculation mounts about Jensen’s future, many are curious to see if he will follow through on his tease and show up on Impact Wrestling. Whether this is a scripted storyline or a genuine expression of his feelings remains to be seen.

While the wrestling world awaits Jensen’s next move, the ongoing drama has sparked discussions among fans. What do you think about Brooks Jensen’s controversial actions and his possible transition to a new promotion? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.