The countdown to meet the next Pasapalabra jackpot winner has begun. The largest jackpot in the history of this contest presented by Roberto Leal is about to be delivered and Antena 3 is heating up for what could be the most tense and exciting program of its career.

And it is that the already traditional duels between Orestes Barbero and Rafa Castaño are about to come to an end. A couple who, with the passing of the programs, have retained an audience that they have conquered and who will see how this famous tandem will have to disappear to make way for new contestants who seek to surpass their feat.

But not just the winner of the Pasapalabra jackpot, but both of them. Because, as stipulated by the rules of this famous television contest, both must say goodbye to the program regardless of whether all the words of the Rosco of the program are correct. Now, whoever does so will take to their coffers a figure that could climb up to 2,278,000 euros this Friday, March 17.

The question at this point is who of the two contestants will manage to get hold of this amount. An award that continues to increase its number since on September 21, 2021 Sofía Álvarez took 466,000 euros after correctly answering all the words of Rosco in the program.

Now the figure is five times higher and so is the expectation. “Next week… the biggest jackpot in the history of Pasapalabra will already have a winner. Rafa-Orestes, Orestes-Rafa, who will take it?” Antena 3 announced in its promotions a few days ago in reference to this jackpot that is about to have an owner.

The question now is which day will be the definitive one, which day Rafa or Orestes will make history of this well-known television contest in which both already have a more than extensive journey. The first with more than 100 programs; the second, with more than 350. Who closes this circle will be known in a short time.