It will soon be eleven months since Sálvame, one of the most emblematic television programs in our country, put an end to its journey after more than fourteen years on the air. This was a big blow for its collaborators and followers, who now breathe a little easier, since the format has returned transformed into Nor that we were Shhh, in which the most recognized faces of that format have reunited. Broadcast on the Quickie Channel, now everything indicates that La Sexta wants to get images for the Aurser@s program.

This week, the collaborators of Sálvame returned in a new format that reminded many of the golden era of the Telecinco program. This Friday, Kiko Matamoros was the protagonist during the first part of the program. The collaborator explained days ago that he did not want to go to Supervivientes to receive his daughter, Laura Matamoros, who has already returned from Honduras, because he did not agree with many decisions of the program.

Apparently, Telecinco would not have liked this too much. During Friday afternoon, in Así es la vida they explained that while Laura said that she missed her father on the set, Kiko was with her partner visiting Benji Aparicio, ex-husband of Laura Matamoros. Something that Kiko did not like at all and to which she responded live from the new format of which she is a part. “We have reactions that are sometimes negative, but other times very positive,” said María Patiño.

At that time, he explained that “we have arrived at Aruser@s.” As María explained, Alfonso Arús’s program, which occupies the early morning slot on La Sexta, would have been pending his program. At that moment, they gave way to a video by Aruser@s in which they commented on how present the spirit of the old Sálvame is. “It is a collection of tremendous zasca, one zasca after another,” said Arús.

On the other hand, the program was wondering if they could take images of Nor that we were Shhh. So, they asked that if the space has rights, they should call them to obtain them. “They have called us, they have asked for the images and the Quickie Channel production company has made a decision and that is that we are going to give them the images,” María Patiño said in the middle of the program. “It’s in LaSexta, right?” she asked herself. “Wherever Arús is, it is a success,” said Víctor Sandoval, saying he did not know if it was in “LaSexta, la septima or la octave.”

For her part, Lydia Lozano assured that “I have a lot of fun, because she enjoys all these things. “He has collaborators, each with a different personality, and he rocks in the mornings.” It is worth remembering that in the past, the Alfonso Arús program could not comment on anything about Sálvame or other Telecinco programs, since Mediaset did not allow it. Now it seems that there will be no barrier to talking about the new format.