Telecinco has surprised the audience by announcing the participation of Ángel Cristo Jr. in ‘Survivientes: Conexión Honduras’ this coming Sunday, despite having been expelled from the reality show for disciplinary reasons.

The son of Bárbara Rey and Ángel Cristo Jr. was expelled for leaving the security perimeter of the program, failing to comply with the established rules, to which was added the pronunciation of a sexist speech that contravened the channel’s Code of Ethics; However, now Ángel Cristo Jr. will return before the Mediaset cameras.

The network announced that Sandra Barneda will make a live connection with Ángel Cristo Jr. during the broadcast of this Sunday’s program ‘Survivientes: Conexión Honduras’, which has generated controversy given the behavior of the contestant in his last participation.

This return to the Telecinco screen has raised criticism, since Cristo’s performance during his participation in ‘Survivors’ was questioned for behaviors that could be considered bullying, gender discrimination and verbal violence. Despite this, Mediaset has decided to once again give him a platform to express himself.

Telecinco’s decision to give a voice to Ángel Cristo Jr. contrasts with the immediate application of its Code of Ethics in other similar cases, such as that of Arantxa del Sol, who was expelled from the program after confessing a physical attack on Cristo himself.