There is no truce for the Alba family. In the midst of the controversy created by the confrontation between Cayetano Martínez de Irujo and the rest of his brothers, the family has a new open front. This is the Castronuevo castle, located in Rivilla de Barajas (Ávila). The Junta de Castilla y León has asked the family to restore the property, which is in the hands of The Alba Foundation, directed by Carlos Fitz-James Stuart. The Fiesta program contacted Cayetano to address the news, and it was then that he revealed that he has no obligation to the castle, since he is no longer part of the foundation.

After the death of the Duchess of Alba, in November 2014, the family fortune was estimated at 3,000 million euros. Cayetana’s children inherited palaces, castles, agricultural land, stock values, jewelry and works of art, among many other things. It was then that her first-born son, Carlos, also inherited the management of the Alba Foundation, which is responsible for maintaining the extensive family assets.

However, now there is a castle that is giving the family headaches. The Junta de Castilla y León has asked the owners for an action plan, which includes free guided tours and the restoration of said space, as Vanitatis announced this Sunday. In fact, this property was declared a BIC (Asset of Cultural Interest) on April 22, 1949, so the family would be obliged to open it to the public at least four times a month.

On the other hand, the Albas have the obligation to maintain and conserve said building… but far from reality, the property has been included in the Red List of Heritage. It is a list in which it appears for “presenting an advanced state of ruin, with several collapsed fronts and lost towers”, as stated by the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of the Government of Castilla y León to the media before aforementioned.

After this information came to light, the Fiesta program contacted Cayetano Martínez de Irujo this Sunday, who has completely disassociated himself from this issue. “The castle no longer affects me, since Carlos removed me from the Foundation, despite the letter of the will in which our mother asked to keep me in the Foundation,” revealed Paloma Barrientos, after speaking by message with the Duke of Arjona.

Regarding his current relationship with his siblings, Eugenia and Alfonso, he assures that their fight over the construction of the reservoir is already settled. “This is how the threats, insults and regrettable disqualifications that my brothers made me remain among said absolute,” the rider stated. It is worth remembering that the relationship between the two is more tense than ever, and that they have already had several exchanges of statements before the press. Now, a new controversy shows the deep gap that currently exists in the family.