The December long weekend ends this Sunday with clear skies, a westerly wind and temperatures on an upward trend that will last at least until Tuesday, according to the forecast of the State Meteorological Agency.

This Monday there will be mists and possible fog banks in the interior of Valencia, minimum temperatures rising slightly or without changes and maximum temperatures rising, except on the coast of Castellón, where there will be few changes and winds from the west.

The extreme temperatures recorded in the three provincial capitals in the last 24 hours have been the following: in Castelló 9.3 degrees minimum and 18.9 degrees maximum; in Valencia 10 degrees minimum and 19.3 degrees maximum and in Alicante, 10.6 degrees and 23.2 degrees, respectively.

Yesterday the day already showed that temperatures continue to rise, with records slightly higher than those of Friday and maximums that exceeded 23 degrees in Alicante (23.1); 22.5 in Rojales; 22.4 in Xàbia; 22.3 in Pego and 21.7 in Orihuela.

In Castellón the maximums were significantly lower, with 18.9 in the capital and 18.5 in Vinaròs, while in the northern interior the thermometers remained around 14 degrees. Meanwhile, in the province of Valencia the maximum temperatures this Saturday occurred on the coast, with 21.4 degrees in Miramar and 20 in the city of València, while inland they were progressively lower, as is the case of 19.7 degrees in Llíria or the 19.5 degrees in Xàtiva, 17.7 in Bicorp and 10.5 in Utiel.