The La 2 program, presented by María Casado, has broadcast a new installment in which it has had great guests. Among them was the actress and dancer Mónica Cruz. The artist went to Las tres puertas to be honest with the presenter about everything that has happened to her over the years.

Penelope Cruz’s sister made her way into the media world playing Silvia in the series Un paso adelante. The fiction lasted several seasons and reaped great successes. In it, Cruz played a dancer, her other profession and her lesser-known one.

The interview began with both confessing that they have the same zodiac sign. María began to ask him where these three artist brothers come from. ”We are lucky to have had those parents who have supported us and listened to us throughout this process that you never know what will happen,” she confessed. The culture of effort was also very important. ”In my case I have had it for both places, for my family and for dance, because if there is something that teaches you discipline in life it is dance,” she said.

Monica said that sometimes she had to accept that nothing happened when not much was demanded. She explained that she started at school with ballet at the age of four. When her brother was born she had to leave him and that same year they began to spread fame. ”I saw that and said I want that,” she said. After a year she went back to dance classes.

At the age of 17, he entered the Joaquín Cortés academy and had to leave home. The artist herself confessed that she did feel alone. ”Now I would take it worse, being away from home for so long,” she said. Today she selects the projects in much more detail. ”I am very happy working here,” she confessed.

Speaking of her daughter, Mónica told María that she is aware of her work and makes her see what that profession is like. María asked her if at any point she considered that they would never call her again for anything. The guest confessed that she did, but she wouldn’t be a problem either. ”I like being at home,” she said. The dancer confessed that she has been a mother by vocation and that things came by themselves. She, too, was not afraid of being a mother on her own. ”It would have made me very unhappy not to become a mother,” she recounted. She also affirmed that in her time many of the facilities that exist for women when it comes to being mothers were not counted.

The confinement moment was horrible and the only thing she hoped was not to catch the disease. She still doesn’t complain because they had a garden, in which she could breathe fresh air. “I don’t want my daughter’s childhood to be wearing a mask,” she said. The two agreed that they were the ones who did it best.

The presenter told her that she represents another type of family, single-parent families. Ella mónica she affirmed that she does not like to give advice, but many women wrote to her because they wanted to be mothers. ”This has to be you, because there is no more important decision in life than knowing if you want to be a mother, a father and create a family. You have to normalize things,” she declared. The artist commented that her daughter knows since she was little that she has no father. She also wanted to highlight that there is no help for women who want to be mothers.

Monica confessed that her soundtrack as a child was Camilo Sesto. The program played an interview in which the artist said that she liked to paint, something that she has in common with her daughter, Antonella.

The two remembered the last Goya ceremony in which the three brothers coincided. ”My brother does wonderful things,” she confessed. Mónica told María that she was envious of seeing her with her belly and that she would have had ten children for her. ”I have never felt better in my life,” she recounted. To finish, María gave her one of the keys to the program.