María Casado faces a new life stage after the unexpected breakup with Martina DiRosso, after almost four years of relationship and three months after the birth of her first and only daughter, Daniela.

“Martina and I have left our relationship but we continue to be family through and for our Daniela, whom we love above all else,” the journalist wrote on her Instagram account, without detailing the reasons for her separation from the artist.

After a time away from the spotlight, the journalist has spoken for the first time about the breakup, speaking to Europa Press during the red carpet of the Iris Awards of the Television Academy, of which she is president.

Asked about the little girl, the journalist assures that “she is very well.” She also faces this new stage with optimism: “The truth is that I am very happy, very happy with this change in life.”

At the insistence of the media, which asked him how he faces the changes after the breakup with DiRosso, Casado assured that a brief “everything is fine”, which he has repeated on several occasions.

Furthermore, he assures that he is not afraid of anything, neither professionally nor personally: “Fear paralyzes, no, no. You have to go free of the backpack, free of fear.”