Laura Matamoros has overcome a difficult Monday. Benjamin, the youngest son of the influencer, has had to undergo surgery on the tear duct, an operation that is performed when tears cannot drain normally, causing the eyes to be watery and irritated.

The woman from Madrid wanted to share her anguish with her followers, to whom she tells her day-to-day life through her Instagram account. “Today they do a small intervention on the baby. They open the tear duct. You do not know the anguish I have right now ”, she wrote in one of her stories, shortly before the intervention and already in the waiting room.

Matamoros recognized that, although it was a minor operation, he could not suppress his concern: “I know that it is in the best hands and that it is a very common operation and that nothing will happen, but I am still anguished.”

Four hours later, the influencer shared a new story on Instagram, reassuring her followers: “Already at home. Everything has gone well. She’s woken up from the anesthesia pretty uncomfortable, but it’s gone fast. What anguish I’ve been through!”

Finally, Matamoros explained that the intervention had been very quick, that “the worst thing was the process and the anesthesia” that they had to give the youngest of their two children.

Now, the woman from Madrid rests with Benjamín and Matías at home, as she herself has shown in other of her stories, where she was seen enjoying the Disney classic The Little Mermaid, before going to the cinema and seeing the new movie.