
King Charles III’s Controversial Portrait Divides Opinion Among Americans | YouGov Survey

June 03, 2024, 4:29 PM GMT+0 – The first official portrait of King Charles III of the United Kingdom has sparked a wave of mixed reactions among royal fans and critics alike. Unveiled in a ceremony at Buckingham Palace on May 14, 2024, the deep red portrait by artist Jonathan Yeo has captured widespread attention in the media and on social platforms.

According to a recent YouGov survey conducted from May 16 – 19, 2024, about half of Americans (51%) were aware of King Charles III’s new portrait. The survey revealed that 49% of respondents expressed dislike (30%) or outright hatred (19%) towards the portrait, with a higher percentage of women (55%) than men (43%) holding unfavorable opinions.

Interestingly, individuals with a negative view of six other British royals were more likely to dislike or hate King Charles III’s portrait. Even among those with a positive opinion of the royals, the majority still leaned towards disliking the new portrait. However, a favorable opinion of King Charles III himself did correlate with a more positive perception of the portrait, with 30% of respondents who viewed the King favorably also liking his portrait.

Despite a recent dip in favorability ratings following the King’s cancer diagnosis in April, Catherine, Princess of Wales, remains popular among Americans. Her recent portrait by artist Hannah Uzor faced criticism for not resembling the princess, yet she continues to enjoy a majority favorable rating, much like her husband Prince William.

The survey, which included 1,157 U.S. adult citizens, was conducted online with a margin of error of approximately 3.5%. The results shed light on American perceptions of the British royal family ahead of King Charles III’s coronation, offering insights into public sentiment towards the monarchy.

For more details and in-depth analysis of the YouGov survey results and related articles, visit the official YouGov website.