The Canarian model Joana Sanz has recently published a story on her Instagram account that has caused a stir on social networks. In her publication, Dani Alves’ partner has shown the room in which she is staying in Dubai and has expressed her excitement at visiting the emirate for the first time.

Everything indicates that, despite the bad personal moment she is going through due to the imprisonment of Dani Alves, accused of sexually assaulting a young woman on December 30 in a Barcelona nightclub, the model is trying to take adversity with resilience and disconnect in Dubai.

The Canarian model Joana Sanz has decided to continue with her life despite the hard times she has experienced this year due to the provisional detention of her husband, the footballer Dani Alves, since last January. Sanz has chosen to take refuge in her work and has returned to the catwalks. After a few days in Paris, she is now in the United Arab Emirates.

The truth is that Joana Sanz has not stopped traveling since Dani Alves entered prison and there are still reports that the relationship between the two seems to be really hurt. The model shared a reflection on social networks in which phrases such as “you have to let it go” could be read, “you will not be able to make a home inside your heart for the person who one day will take care of you in the softest way if the memory someone else’s is still there” or “you have to accept that sometimes beautiful things end, that sometimes people leave”.

Before Alves was imprisoned, Sanz offered him his support and rejected the accusations against him. On January 20, she thanked her for her expressions of affection on the networks and sent herself the message to endure “so much pain.” But she gave a lot to talk about when she deleted from Instagram all the photos in which she appeared with Alves.

Last February Joana Sanz visited her partner in jail and assured that she was not going to leave him alone, but the divorce rumors do not stop and neither do the messages on social networks, both supportive and critical. Right now, Sanz is focused on work and now she is in Dubai, one of the main tourist destinations in the world and a city known for its luxury and modernity, perfect for overcoming the bad moments in life.