Isabel Pantoja is willing to rise from her ashes and completely break with her darkest past. For this reason, not only has she wanted to get fully involved in a tour to celebrate her 50th anniversary in the world of music, but she also wants to end all of her debts. Something that can happen, in part, thanks to these concerts.

Even so, and although he is happy with the reception of his tour, problems do not stop arising every week. If a while ago she had to postpone her concert in Tenerife due to a health problem, which she has already solved, now it has come to light that she has to cancel two more.

Antonio Rossi has taken advantage of his space in the Let’s see program to read an official statement from Isabel Pantoja, where she gives the keys to these suspended concerts. “Due to the fact that there have been disagreements between the companies involved in Isabel Pantoja’s ’50th anniversary’ tour, it will not be possible to hold the concerts planned in Nerja, Sotogrande and Córdoba,” the journalist reported.

As stated, the last two were confirmed by the artist, so new dates will be released in a few days: “Córdoba and Cádiz are going to have Isabel, because she is going to sing.”

These cancellations are due to the disagreement between two companies involved. “On April 24, I already said that there were two concerts that were on the air. This is a confrontation, a dispute, a failure to reach an agreement between the promoting companies. There are a series of difficulties and misunderstandings, and they decide to cancel everything,” he added.

Such was the discussion that, according to Rossi, “there have been loud words and things that have not been done well, and they have decided to suspend everything.” Given this, a new company will be in charge of the following dates.

On the other hand, the concert in Nerja, which has also been cancelled, will not take place at any time. “It is a concert that was never announced, was never publicized and that Isabel Pantoja was never going to attend, it is something that the companies decided to announce,” Antonio Rossi has made clear. And it seems that the tonadillera does not want to have “any type of artistic relationship” with Malaga.

This is due to the bad memory that the singer has with the place. For this reason, she also refused to sing in Fuengirola, Starlite and Marbella. Even so, she is about to release another five new dates that will keep her singing “non-stop” until the end of the year.