Plants represent one of the main decoration trends of 2024, since they can be part of home interior design in many different ways. Even when they are already dry. And one of the favorites is lavender, with its characteristic brightly colored leaves and flowers. Therefore, if you have the opportunity, learning how to dry lavender to decorate will be an excellent opportunity to use this plant to give life and a fresh touch to any room. Especially in those to which you want to add a rustic or more natural and organic touch.

Once you have the plant, it will be time to start the process of drying it to achieve the desired finish for decorating the house. There are different techniques that can be used to dry a lavender plant. So you just have to choose the one that is easiest or most feasible to do. You just have to be careful when handling the lavender during and after the process to ensure that it has a perfect finish.

Possibly the simplest way to dry lavender is to just leave it in the sun. Although a series of indications can be made in this regard. First, lavender stems should be cut before the lavender flowers open to achieve the ideal look. And always as long as possible, so that later it can be used in different ways.

When you have all the desired stems, they should be placed on a board or tray, well spread out, taking care not to stack them. Next, they will be placed in an area where they receive direct sunlight for as long as possible. As you can imagine, you have to make sure they don’t get wet. They will be ready in about a week.

If this is not possible for different reasons, such as the climate of the area, the second option will be to use the oven. The process is practically the same. The only difference is that you will have to be more conscientious when placing the stems in the tray, without them touching each other. The oven temperature should be as low as possible, less than 80 degrees. And the door will have to be left slightly open during drying.

If you do not have an oven, the microwave will be an alternative. The stems will be placed on a plate, all separated from each other, and covered with transparent film. One minute at high power will usually be enough to have them ready. If not, you can try periods of between 10 and 20 seconds until you achieve the desired result and they are dry enough.