Television reporters are the jewels that bring joy to the medium, there is no doubt about that. His blunders, occurrences, anecdotes… And the most unfortunate: attacks, insults and so on. Being a street reporter is a high-risk profession, but it also has its moments to remember.

For the memory, and for life. If not, tell journalist Andrea Ruiz, from Radio Television Marbella, who went out to the streets to do her job and record a report; and she found herself becoming the protagonist of a moment that she did not expect: interviewing an unknown man who turned out to be from her family.

The reporter was walking through the streets of the capital of Malaga recording a report on the San Pedro festivities and the local leisure offering, when she came across a couple whom she decided to stop to interview and ask what the best place was or their recommendation for eat on the holiday.

What he did not expect was that the woman would respond with something very different: her family relationship. “I’ve known you since you were born, Andrea,” she told him, directly and without regard. As expected, her response caught the reporter by surprise, and she could only exclaim: “How?”

“Are you my grandmother’s cousin? Or how?” the reporter wanted to know, already coming to her senses. The woman was quick to explain her family relationship. “He is your father’s uncle.” “Are you my grandfather’s brother?” Andrea Ruiz asked the man, who nodded his head. “Man, delighted.”

The reporter, who kept looking at the man, finally realized the resemblance, assuring him that “he has all my grandfather’s face.” As if that were not enough, the woman called her daughter in the middle of recording, to tell her that she was with Andrea, her husband’s niece. “We are with Andrea. May I give you a kiss on her behalf, from Mariví,” she told him.

A surreal moment, as well as tender, that was sealed with two kisses and more than one laugh. “I didn’t count this…” the reporter said to the camera. An endearing encounter that Andrea herself shared on her TikTok account, and that she assures is “one of the most random things” that she has ever had while recording.

Almost 10,000 “likes” and hundreds of comments on a video that is already viral on TikTok, where users are delighted not only with the meeting, but with all the drama that is captured in a few seconds. “I love the dramatic pauses the lady makes,” says one user. “Can you imagine they would have said: ‘I’m your mother’?” jokes another.

Opinions for all tastes for one of the most surreal moments of the reporter’s career, which probably has many more anecdotes to live. As I said, being a street reporter is a risky job.