For a few weeks now, Àngel Llàcer has been worrying due to his complicated state of health after contracting a bacteria during a trip to Vietnam. Something that happened in mid-April and for which he had to be hospitalized. After being discharged, he suffered a relapse again that required him to be admitted again.

This occurs in the middle of the 11th edition of Your face sounds to me, where the actor is part of the judging panel. Therefore, he must be absent from his workplace, leaving a free spot at the jury table. And it was now that Formula TV revealed that Santiago Segura will be in charge of replacing his professional colleague.

Although it is the first program of this edition that sits alongside Carlos Latre, Lolita and Chenoa, it is not the first time that the comedian serves as a jury in this space. In up to three seasons, Santiago Segura has been called to replace an official member of the table since he was a contestant in two editions.

However, this time everything will be different, since it is not known exactly when Àngel Llàcer will be out. And, according to the aforementioned media, Chenoa will be in charge of taking over the role of president for when the judges’ scores have to be broken.

During this edition, the president of the jury already had to be absent due to this same problem, leaving his position on the program in the hands of Silvia Abril. Therefore, it is not surprising that both space fans and Llàcer fans are worried about what is happening.

In recent days, the latest information on Àngel’s health status came to light. Despite having had to undergo multiple medical interventions, he is stabilizing at times in a positive way.

Miquel Valls took advantage of his space in Espejo Público to tell how the actor is feeling and to put on the table the critical period he had gone through. And the Shigella bacteria he contracted is so serious that it can end up triggering other severe problems such as sepsis. Even so, experts put on the table that it will not suffer permanent consequences.

With this, it is likely that Àngel Llàcer will be seen again very soon, although perhaps he will do so already for the next edition. One in which he will suffer a notable change by losing Carlos Latre as one of his legendary members of the jury, who has signed for Telecinco in the new television season that will begin in September.