After weeks of promotion, Telecinco finally announced a few days ago the long-awaited premiere of its new fiction bet, El Marqués. The series produced by Unicorn Content hits the Telecinco grid tonight starting at 10:50 p.m. and will have a total of six episodes. 

The plot of the fiction will revolve around the murder of five people that took place on the Los Galindos de Paradas estate, in Seville, during the summer of 1975. A multiple crime that was filed without trial and that to this day, almost 50 Years later, there are still no answers. 

The production stars actors such as José Pastor, Víctor Clavijo, Juan Fernández, Paco Tous, Cinta Ramírez, Oscar de la Fuente, Lara Grube, Joaquín Núñez and Laura Baena Torres, among others. Unlike the real event, the series will try to respond to the multiple murders that shocked an entire country during the last stage of Franco’s regime. 

The real case was filed in 1988 and the statute of limitations expired in 1995 without anyone being tried for the crime and without any person’s participation in the events being proven. For this reason, the creators of the series have tried to provide answers to the event with a completely fictional outcome. 

To understand the fiction well, the first thing you have to know is that the plot will develop in two timelines. One of them will take place in 1977 when a young journalist named Onofre (José Pastor) returns to his hometown to write an article about the crime. However, Onofre finds a society shocked and completely divided by what happened. Furthermore, his investigation will lead him to confront one of the great protagonists of history, the marquis, Don Rafael Pertierra y Medina (Víctor Clavijo). 

The other timeline will go back to 1975, the year in which the events occurred. However, the plot will take place seven weeks before the murder of Los Galindos to show the theories and testimonies surrounding the multiple crime that took place on July 22, 1975. 

After the broadcast of the first episode titled Here they killed five, the Fuencarral network will broadcast a special program called, The Truth of Los Galindos, where they will put on the table the real story of the multiple murder and reveal data about the crime that took place 50 years ago. years and of which to this day there are still great unknowns unresolved, such as the author or authors of the crime and the motive that led the culprits to end the lives of five people.