2023 began with one of the saddest news that could be expected. On January 3, the influencer Elena Huelva passed away due to cancer that she had been fighting for several years. The generous young woman shared her entire process on social networks under the slogan “My desire wins”, so that millions of people in our country and throughout the world followed the process closely with her.

His death put the debate back on the table as to whether more money should be invested in cancer research, since every year more than 100,000 people die in our country from this disease alone.

A few months before her death, Elena Huelva launched a project that she was very excited about together with Juegaterapia.org, a doll called ‘baby pelon’ that would manage to raise funds for cancer research and the inter-ewing study.

Now, a few months later, the act of donating the money raised from the sale of the toy has been held, where Elena’s sister, Emi Huelva, has been present. In this beautiful event the amount of money obtained has been announced: 87,000 euros. In addition, the act has been enlivened by an exciting performance by the singer Valeria Castro.

The ‘Baby bald’ has become the best-selling toy in Spain, a clear sign that the entire country has thrown itself into this initiative driven by the struggle and courage that Elena has shown for so long.

Emi has published several stories on the occasion of today: ”Today is a special day…” she wrote in one of them. She also wanted to thank the singer Valeria Castro and the influencer Tomás Páramo for her company at such an important moment like this.

The media coverage of Elena’s case and her death caused a great commotion in Spanish society due to the young woman’s great desire to live. Her story has been forever engraved in the hearts of millions of people who now live with more awareness about what a disease like cancer entails.

What Elena sought when sharing her experience, apart from turning a misfortune into a lesson and even a fun pastime, is to be able to convey to people that life is beautiful, and that is something she more than achieved.