Last Thursday Survivors 2023 began with 17 famous contestants prepared to suffer the consequences of the most extreme survival on television. Divided into three new beaches -Royale, Fatal and No Man’s Land-, the Robinsons are already immersed in obtaining habitable shelters, in addition to the most difficult of all: making fire.

The first to achieve this last milestone, and which will therefore provide them with hot food, are the inhabitants of Fatal Beach. And all thanks to Asraf Beno, Isa Pantoja’s boyfriend, who with great skill and a surprising object managed to ignite the first sparks until obtaining important flames without the need for matches or lighters.

The conditions of Fatal Beach, one of the locations of Survivors 2023, are the harshest compared to those of its companions in Playa Royale. In Fatal Beach, Alma Bollo, Arelys, Asraf, Ginés, Jonan and Katerina have to survive on a dark, small and cold beach, with very limited cans of food, 50 grams of rice per person per day, and a simple utility knife.

For this reason, making fire became one of his main objectives, a milestone achieved thanks to Asraf’s skill and an unusual object that has nothing to do with a match or a lighter.

Isa Pantoja’s boyfriend first tried it by rubbing it with a stick and a piece of dry leaf, but the result was unsuccessful. So, Asraf came up with an idea: “We have laces, don’t we?” he said as he untied one of his shoelaces. To which Alma replied: “Oh son, they won’t give you other shoes.” “No problem. Everything is because of the fire, ”he replied.

In a new attempt, Asraf used the shoelace to rub it against the stick with the help of Ginés: “We heat the wood…”. And voila! Smoke began to come out, then some sparks flew, he placed dry leaves and the fire began to sprout.

The contestants reacted by jumping for joy at the expertise achieved by Asraf. “What I have felt when I have made a fire has been impressive”, explained the protagonist, who did not believe he had achieved it the first day. The hug between the young man and Ginés, his assistant in this task, was most emotional.