
The future of a young Afghan child, known as “Baby Doe,” remains uncertain after a Virginia appellate court voided the adoption by U.S. Marine Maj. Joshua Mast and his wife Stephanie Mast. Baby Doe, who is turning five this month, was orphaned during a U.S. night raid in Afghanistan in 2019 that killed her family. The court ruled that Mast should never have been granted the adoption, as Baby Doe has living relatives in Afghanistan, as determined by the Afghan government and the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Baby Doe was found in the rubble at 40-days-old with life-threatening injuries after the raid that killed her family. Despite the efforts of the Masts to adopt her and bring her into their family as an act of Christian faith, the court determined that the adoption was not legal under state law. The Afghan relatives of Baby Doe, who have been fighting for custody, have settled in Texas and continue to seek to regain custody of her.

The Masts have maintained that they acted admirably and are the legal parents of Baby Doe, even though they have not seen her in nearly three years. The appellate court’s decision on Tuesday did not specify who would raise Baby Doe going forward, leaving her to remain with the Mast family for now. The legal organizations working with the Afghan relatives have expressed encouragement by the court’s ruling, stating that it refused to legitimize the Masts’ unlawful actions and the unnecessary suffering caused as a result.

The case has garnered attention due to the complex legal and ethical issues involved in the adoption of a war orphan from Afghanistan. The ongoing investigation by NCIS and the Navy IG, as well as the Defense Department’s refusal to comment on the case, highlight the sensitive nature of the situation. The Masts’ efforts to provide a better life for Baby Doe have been met with legal challenges and questions about the proper procedures for international adoptions.

As the legal battle continues, the fate of Baby Doe remains uncertain, with questions lingering about who will ultimately be responsible for her care and upbringing. The case serves as a reminder of the complexities of international adoptions and the importance of following legal procedures to ensure the well-being of children in vulnerable situations.