They say that the second parts were never good. However, anything goes on First Dates, a program presented by Carlos Sobera in which every week dozens of singles try to find true love.

On this occasion, a 33-year-old single woman named Lucía has decided to return to the most famous restaurant on the small screen to see if she can finally find the man of her life, since the first time did not go very well. As soon as she entered through the door, Sobera asked her how her love life has been going over the last year, a question to which the woman responded bluntly: “A disaster.”

The woman from Lleida has confessed in the space that she has returned to the program because she does not dedicate time in her daily life to flirting and has commented that she is looking for a man who takes care of himself and has a good physique.

A Sevillian named Javi has been chosen by the management of First Dates to have dinner with the waitress. The first impression was good and they both liked each other. The 36-year-old man has defined himself as an attentive guy and has acknowledged that he also likes the topic of taking care of himself, fashion, etc.

The singles have hit it off from the first moment. They were both nervous and a little shy, but they managed to bring the conversation to a successful conclusion and enjoy a pleasant evening. At one point in the conversation, the girl read a card that asked them about her “biggest sexual fantasy.”

Faced with this question, the couple began to laugh nervously and Lucía turned red. However, she playfully responded: ”In a sadomasochistic room.” The young man asked her if she had been there and she said no, at the moment. ”You’re crazier than me, I’m going to have to tie you up,” the Sevillian declared, taking the color out of his date.

The young woman has been against some insecure and doubtful aspects of Javi’s personality, but she has forgotten everything when they have gone to the special room and have given free rein to their passion with some kisses.

In the final decision, the singles could not help but smile non-stop, since they had just had a romantic time of kisses, intimacy and passion. Before answering, both have confessed to having enjoyed the evening very much.

The Andalusian has answered the question of whether he would have a second date in the affirmative, justifying that his partner is very “nice and fun.” At the moment, Lucía responded in the same way: ”I found you to be a very nice boy, a very good person.”