
Explore the wonders of the universe with our Science coverage, offering the latest news and discoveries in fields like astronomy, biology, physics, and environmental science. Whether you’re curious about space exploration, medical advancements, or the mysteries of the natural world, we provide in-depth articles and expert insights that make complex scientific concepts accessible and exciting. Stay informed on the cutting-edge research and technological innovations that are shaping the future, with our science section dedicated to bringing you the most fascinating and important developments in the scientific community.

The dogs are able to sniff out the Covid in humans. Here’s how

According to a recent French study involved 18 specimens of dogs, our most faithful friends are able, thanks to their sense of...

Research without testing on animals, two Italian among the winners of the Lush Prize

Big data and artificial intelligence can be a valid alternative to animal testing in research, in particular in the field of toxicology....

Earthquake in Milan: The thrust of the african plate

"Looking at the maps, the earthquake occurred in an area where we do not expect a strong acceleration of the ground", explains...

Roberto Ballini, the man who talks to the bees: So I learned to talk...

it took 28 years before Roberto could speak with the api. Not because the language of the insects is the most sweet...

Those seventy Italian, flew to Cayenne. Our rocket is on a mission in Space

Are seventy italians, the first to land in French Guiana for a space mission Covid-free. The Italy of phase two, then, with...

Pick Up Your Stethoscope and Test Your Knowledge

Pick up your stethoscope, grab a pen or your laptop, and start testing your knowledge for the MCAT. Studying and knowing what to expect...

History of plants: the cedars in the hat Jussieu

The dynasty of Jussieu, of which the Parisians are familiar with the metro and the faculty of the same name, has deserved...

When politicians link immigrants to disease, the science just doesn’t add up

PixabayThe following is an excerpt from Not a Scientist: How Politicians Mistake, Misrepresent, and Utterly Mangle Science by Dave Levitan.The demonizer is perhaps the...

Antarctica is leaking from the inside out

When climate scientists look at Antarctica, they see a ticking time bomb. If the ice sheet melts, it will raise sea levels by tens...

Warning: Do NOT get into a breath-holding contest with a naked mole rat

Thomas Park/UIC“We had hints that naked mole rats might be rock stars at surviving oxygen deprivation,” said Thomas Park, a biologist at the University...

New research on eyeballs just might lead to a jet lag cure

pexelsYour biological clock is probably the most reliable machinery in your body: it runs 24-7 to regulate vital functions from sleep to metabolism and...

Most scientific studies only use male subjects. Here's why that's a terrible idea.

Jocelyn via FlickrStudy shows how failing to include both male and female animals in science is birdbrained“Pigeons, or rock doves as people call them...

Why won't my shoes stay tied? Scientists are trying to figure it out.

PexelsShoelaces are great until they get untied.Oliver O’Reilly has a dilemma that plagues most of us.“I have a chronic problem with my shoelaces—they keep...

Climate change contributes to mental illness

pexelsClimate change isn’t just bad for the planet and for our bodies. According to a new report by the American Psychological Association, Climate for...

Breakthroughs, stardom, and collapse: the life cycle of a sea arch

Tobias ScheckThe Azure Window in its glory days.At some point, the constant battering was just too much for the old rocks to handle. Turbulent...

What are the "natural flavors" in your food? Biotech is making the answer more...

Flickr user isox4Nootkatone is a flavor compound found in grapefruit. But it can also be made from oranges and still be considered a natural...

Raindrops spew bacteria into the air as they burst—and it's kind of beautiful

Joung et al. Nature CommunicationsVisualization of bioaerosolsRaindrops might be pumping bacteria into the sky, according to a study published today in the journal Nature...

The essential tools of an underwater researcher

Don McLeishEmily KellyEmily Kelly, an ecologist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, swims at Hawaii's Kahekili Herbivore Management AreaAmong Hawaii’s reefs, Emily Kelly dives...

This is what happens to your body as you die of dehydration

Moyan Brenn via FlickrWandering around the desert is a good şirinevler escort way to get dangerously dehydrated, but severe dehydration can also occur in...

Colon and rectal cancer seem to be on the rise—in millennials

Dr. Mae Melvin/PixnioA x-ray images of a colon filled with barium via an enema, one of the common ways to diagnose colorectal cancer.Colorectal cancer...

Juicing isn't actually good for you and your diet is probably dumb

PexelsSorry.Full disclosure: I don't really get juicing. Don't get me wrong, I've slurped down some delicious veggie and ginger concoctions and done my fair...

This rare disorder leaves some people without kneecaps

WikipediaPatellaA patella, or kneecap, seen from the front and side of the legWhen Deanne Rue Stephens's three children were born, the first thing she...

Black holes might devour stars much more often than we thought

NASA, ESA, STScI-PRC14-41aSmall Galaxy, Big HoleMost galaxies in the universe have at least one thing in common: supermassive black holes tend to sit in...

Earth’s first continent? Probably a giant continental crust

NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center/Francis ReddyArchean Earth might have looked like this artist's interpretation - a pale orange dot.Unlike modern Earth which one might...

This ancient society passed power down from woman to woman

flickr user John FowlerRemnants of the Chaco Canyon great houses are preserved today in Chaco Culture National Historic Park.In a colossal 650-room structure built...

Audio engineering is making call center robots more 'human' and less annoying

Fisher PriceAudio engineering can make computerized customer support lines seem friendlier and more helpful.Say you’re on the phone with a company and the automated...

Why can whale nerves stretch and turn like bungee cords?

Margo LillieA micro-CT scan of a fin whale nerve, which shows a nerve coiled within an outer layer. This inner coiling allows nerves to...

Middle Eastern seed bank re-deposits backups into Svalbard's doomsday vault

Global Diversity Crop TrustSvalbard Seed BankThe Svalbard Seed Bank in Norway provides a backup repository for the world's agricultural crops.Today, the seeds of 49,000...

What pregnant women actually need to know about herpes

pexelsWhen I saw the press release for a new study linking the risk of autism to maternal infection with genital herpes, my heart sunk....

Want people to volunteer as lab rats? Turn your science into a game.

St. Martin's PressPower PlayPower Play: How video games can save the world by Asi Burak and Laura Parker.The following is an excerpt from Power...