The “No to MAT” platform has celebrated that “90% of the Parliament” has supported a resolution proposal in the Climate Action commission that rejects very high voltage lines in Catalonia, with the votes of PSC-Units, ERC, Junts, Comuns and the CUP, and asks the Government to transfer that opposition to the central Executive. The text also urges the Government to transfer to the Ministry of Energy Transition the rejection generated by these projects in Catalonia

The spokespersons for the platform Judith Cañís and Carmelo Carrillo have explained that it is a resolution proposal that ‘No to the MAT’ delivered to the groups in November, and whose content corresponds to that of resolutions approved in more than 30 municipalities of territories affected by the MAT.

The resolution proposal also urges the Government to carry out a study of the power generation capacities in Catalonia by means of photovoltaic panels in places where there are already homes, infrastructures or industry.

Carrillo has stressed that 60% of the route of the MAT passes through cultivated land, and has added that the change in model that is imposed in the face of the climate crisis should serve to “democratize” it.

“This energy transition cannot be done by following an outdated model like the one that is being offered to us now by the oligopolies,” he said.

A representation of entities integrated into the Catalan Network for a Just Energy Transition gathered before the Parliament to support the “No to MAT” platform and the deputies who have approved, within the framework of the Climate Action Commission, chaired by by Dani Cornellà from CUP, a motion to support this petition and prevent MAT from crossing Catalan territory.

The basic demands of the platforms integrated into the CTEJ Network are the refusal to accept “the destruction of the natural environment that the three very high voltage lines will entail” that are currently proposed to cross Catalonia.

“We defend that it is essential to change the current model of energy transition, which is fundamentally based on implanting large wind and photovoltaic plants in all rural areas, which would cause the destruction of thousands of hectares of forest and crops that are CO2 collectors and a fundamental element to fight against climate change”, indicate these entities.

“We must not forget that the ultimate goal of the energy transition must be the real fight against climate change. Therefore, it is necessary to opt for renewable production systems that do not cause the unnecessary and irreparable destruction of thousands of hectares of forest and CO2-capturing crops”, they add.

The Catalan Network TEJ (where 95 platforms and entities from all over Catalonia are integrated) has invited “political leaders to carry out sustainable management of the energy transition, putting a stop to the macro-projects currently in process”. They maintain that these will only “provide highly profitable businesses to energy multinationals” while causing serious damage throughout the Catalan territory (elimination of forest areas, death of protected species, reduction of the capacity to produce food, loss of jobs in rural areas, rural depopulation…)

Among other entities, the platforms: No a MAT Catalunya, IAEDEN, Forum Empúries L’Escala, SOS Costa Brava or Salvem la Serra de la Albera have participated in the rally in front of the Parliament