
Explore the wonders of the universe with our Science coverage, offering the latest news and discoveries in fields like astronomy, biology, physics, and environmental science. Whether you’re curious about space exploration, medical advancements, or the mysteries of the natural world, we provide in-depth articles and expert insights that make complex scientific concepts accessible and exciting. Stay informed on the cutting-edge research and technological innovations that are shaping the future, with our science section dedicated to bringing you the most fascinating and important developments in the scientific community.

Hot poles: Antarctica and Arctic 70. 50 degrees above the normal

As the region approaches autumn, Antarctica's weather stations broke records on Friday. According to Maximiliano Herrera's tweet, Concordia station, which is two miles high,...

Hydropower eyes bigger energy role, less environmental harm

They were used for barges moving goods along the Ohio, Monongahela, and Allegheny rivers for decades.Rye Development, a Boston-based hydropower firm, is retrofitting dams...

NASA chief addresses space station jitters amid Russian trolling

MIAMI -- The head of NASA promised this week that he would continue joint space exploration with countries, even though his Twitter-trolling Russian counterpart...

NASA is confident that Russia will return the U.S. astronaut to the International Space...

A senior NASA manager stated Monday that plans are still in place to send NASA astronaut Mark Vande Hei home to Earth aboard a...

Scientists are discovering more about'stealth micron' as they make advances in their research

Researchers are slowly uncovering clues about the strain, which is a descendant omicronknown by BA.2, while watching it grow in prevalence."We all keep an...

Analysis of the DNA of elephant ivory reveals networks for trafficking

To map the trafficking activities across Africa and to better understand the perpetrators, researchers used DNA analysis from the seized elephant trunks as well...

NASA's first images of its new space telescope demonstrate how it is coming into...

NASA's first images of its new space telescope demonstrate how it is coming into focus.Although the James Webb Space Telescope, the new and powerful...

Study: Are gas stoves more dangerous for the climate than we thought?

This same study, which tested the emissions from stoves in houses, raised new concerns about indoor air quality due to the high levels of...

Hot stuff: Lab reaches milestone in long journey to fusion power

Researchers from the National Ignition Facility at Lawrence Livermore National Lab in California were successful in triggering a fusion reaction that briefly sustained itself....

Norway mass murderer tests the limits of lenient justice system

Breivik, 42 years old, is halfway through his 21-year sentence. He wants early release and might be shocking to anyone outside Norway. In 2011,...

After a major volcano eruption, first aid flights land in Tonga

New Zealand and Australia sent military transport planes to each other that carried water containers, temporary shelter kits, generators and hygiene supplies. To keep the...

US dismisses case against MIT professor convicted of ties with China

Gang Chen case: The department made its decision in a single-page file in Boston federal court, stating that it was unable to meet its...

U.S. states split on nuclear as they race to reduce carbon emissions

As states move away from oil, coal and natural gas, nuclear power is becoming a viable option to fill the gaps. It can also...

Earth's 6th-warmest year in record time: The heat continues

Scientists believe that the unusually hot year is part a long-term warming trend, which shows signs of acceleration.On Thursday, two U.S. science agencies, NASA...

Hospitalizations rise in children too young to receive COVID shots

Dr. Rochelle Walensky is the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She said that the worrying trend in children who are...

Experts in the USA open Robert E Lee's time capsule

American conservation experts pulled buttons, documents, and coins from a time capsule that was found in the remains of a pedestal that once housed...

COP26: The UK is 'nowhere close' to meeting the climate goals agreed upon at...

According to the Climate Change Committee (CCC), at current rates, the UK is contributing to a catastrophic temperature rise of 2.7C by 20100.This could...

Indonesia's biodiesel drive leads to deforestation

It is also claimed that it will stop deforestation by the same date.It is relying more on biofuels to reduce its emissions in the...

Alan Shepard: Bezos sends the first American astronaut's daughter to the edge of space

Laura Shepard Churchley (74) was one of six people who made the trip aboard a commercial spacecraft that Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin launched.The sub-orbital...

UK plans to ban animal trophies too slowly – Conservation groups

Friday's government response to the long-awaited public consultation was published. It promised a ban.It did not name a date at which legislation would be...

Thwaites: Antarctic glacier headed for dramatic change

According to them, a floating section at Thwaites Glacier's front that has been stable up until now could "shatter like car windscreen."Due to Thwaites'...

Why do cats sleep so much? The role of sleep (and play)

but how much do cats sleep? Even sixteen hours a day, as anyone who shares his life with a pussy can confirm....

Search for life on other worlds tops astronomy to-do list

CAPE CANAVERAL (Florida) -- For the next 10 years, astronomers in the United States have put the search for extraterrestrial intelligence at the top...

Endangered California condors can have "virgin births," study finds

According to a Thursday study, endangered California condors may have "virgin births." The San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance has confirmed that genetic testing proved that the two...

SpaceX readies Crew Dragon for Halloween launch to space station

SpaceX has a Falcon 9 rocket ready for Sunday's Halloween launch. It will carry three Americans and one German to the International Space Station. This...

S Korea launches its first domestically manufactured space rocket

Moon Jae-in, South Korea's President, observed the launch and still called it an "excellent achievement" that moves the country one step closer to a...

Vaccines, masks? Japan puzzled by sudden viral success

Daily COVID-19 new cases have fallen from an August peak of almost 6,000 in Tokyo. Caseloads in densely populated areas are now below 100,...

FDA panel endorses lower-dose Moderna COVID shot for booster

A panel of outside advisors to the Food and Drug Administration unanimously recommended a booster shot for seniors as well as younger adults who...

William Shatner, TV's Captain. Kirk blasts into space

Star Trek actor James T. Kirk and three other passengers flew to 66.5 miles (107 km) above the West Texas desert in the fully-automated...

Next FDA agenda: J&J and Moderna booster shots

This week, federal regulators will begin to address this question.The Food and Drug Administration will convene its independent advisors on Thursday and Friday to...