
Stay informed on the evolving landscape of Education with comprehensive news and analysis that covers everything from K-12 to higher education. Our coverage includes the latest on educational policies, teaching innovations, and trends affecting students, educators, and parents. Learn about new methods in pedagogy, technological advancements in the classroom, and the challenges facing schools and universities today. We provide in-depth reports on how education is transforming and the impact it has on future generations, helping you stay ahead in the academic world.

University of Phoenix: How Aspiring Teachers Can Prepare for Praxis® Tests

If you’re an aspiring teacher, you may find yourself taking at least one Praxis® test on the way to your education career. Developed by...

COVID-19 flares: Mask mandates reintroduced to college campuses

Universities have brought back mask mandates and switched to online classes. Large gatherings were also reduced in response to coronavirus epidemics.A range of virus measures have...

2 Swedish teachers were killed in a high school shooting, and a student was...

The student, aged 18, was taken into custody on Monday in Malmo (Sweden's third-largest municipality). Police said that the victims were two women in...

Black teenager publishes book to address the lack of representation in Deaf community

It's crucial! "It's crucial that Black and Brown people feel represented in their lives," Tate, who was Black, stated to CBS News. It makes...

Advocates say school meal programs are in "financial peril" after a spending bill snub

The $1.5 Trillion spending bill, which would finance the federal government beyond Friday, doesn't include special benefits that were put in place at school...

Minneapolis Teachers go on strike to demand better pay and smaller classes

The city's public schools cancelled all classes, extracurricular activities, and pre-K-12th grade classes for nearly 29,000 students. They will continue doing so until the...

Judge rules that the United States cannot exempt children of migrant families from its...

District Court Judge Mark Pittman denied a request by Republican officials in Texas that the Biden administration not exempt migrant children traveling alone from...

Florida students protest against the 'Don't Say Gay' bill

Florida students staged school walkouts to protest legislation, dubbed "Don't Say Gay", that would have prohibited discussing sexual orientation or gender identity in primary...

BLM founder to address event with students in Los Angeles seeking to defund schoolpolice

Patrisse Curlors, co-founder of Black Lives Matter (BLM), will deliver the keynote speech at this week's event hosted by students from the Los Angeles...

National Guard deployed for a new emergency: Teachers shortages

He also guarded a circle of checkpoints and fences surrounding New Mexico's state Capitol following the January 2021 rebellion in Washington.Stockwell is currently on...

Republicans notice signs of a midterm'redwave' in SF school boards recall: 'They have ignored...

Many prominent Republican legislators and conservative voices believe that the recent recall election in San Francisco is a precursor for massive GOP gains in...

Levi's Jennifer Sey quits due to pressure over her views on COVID school closings

She was even considered for the role of CEO. COVID-19 was the result. She wrote in a blog that she left the apparel manufacturer...

An ex-White House intern opens an autism museum in Michigan

Xavier DeGroat was a White House intern who had autism. Now, he is making history again by opening a museum in Michigan that celebrates...

After all, University of Alabama will take the name of Klan leader from campus...

A decision to change last week to add the name Autherine Lucy foster, who briefed at the all-white state high school in 1956, to...

Teachers and parents in Tennessee push back against the 'Maus" removal

Cockrum was delighted to announce the birth of his daughter four days after the news broke that the McMinn County School Board had unanimously...

Boy Scouts: A tentative deal with official sex abusers

Two weeks before the hearing, a Delaware judge will hear arguments about whether to confirm the BSA's proposed restructuring plan. The settlement was announced...

Maryland county will 'transform" social studies curriculum to help children feel more racial.

Maryland's largest school district is conducting an anti-racism audit to "transform" their social studies curriculum to pre-K-12 students to improve their "senses of racial...

Four states' governors plan to end school mask mandates

As state and local governments struggle to decide which COVID-19 restrictions should be removed and which ones to retain, the decisions in Connecticut, Delaware...

Chinese soft power in Iraq: Learn the language and get jobs

The Chinese consulate in Irbil has ordered the 52-year-old to teach the 14 Iraqi Kurdish students.This class is an experiment with Salahaddin University. If...

Mass shooting at Michigan school leads to new lawsuit

Ven Johnson, a Detroit attorney, announced the lawsuit on behalf of Tate Myer's parents and other students who witnessed these shootings.The lawsuit names Oxford...

The SAT goes digital to shift college admissions landscape

Although test-takers can use their laptops or tablets, they will still need to take the test in a school or at a monitored site.The...

Settlement of $490M for sexual abuse in the University of Michigan

The university stated that 1,050 people would share in the settlement. It was reached through mediation. The university did not provide any input to the...

Scottish fishermen protest against the ban on creel shellfish catches in Clyde, dredge and...

Marine Scotland has issued a statement stating that the closure of Firth of Cyde for fishers will continue between 14 February and 30 April...

Jan. 6 Education: Teachers on the frontlines of culture war

Justin Voldman, a history teacher in Boston said that his students will spend the day writing about what happened and discussing the fragility of...

What is the Number One Tool for Language Translation?

Language translation is a popular service that just about everyone will seek out at some point in life. From the cheeky student who just...

Tribes consider 'good fire' to be a key to restoring the natural world and...

 She was holding a torch made of dried wormwood branches that she had used to fuel thick forests for years.She said, "Guide us as...

Here are the top issues that will be addressed at this year's UN Climate...

Talks that begin Sunday in Scotland are bound to be intense. However, the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing economic crisis, as well as the recent...

Advanced Education: How to Stay Ahead

Advanced education isn’t a walk in the park, and nor should it be. After all, it’s a way of pushing yourself to learn more...

How to Work and Study Full-Time without Burning Out

Today, more and more students are finding themselves in a position where they need to continue working while they study. Whether you need to...

State mask bans face federal civil rights inquiries

The investigations were announced by the department's Office for Civil Rights in letters sent to education chiefs from Iowa, Oklahoma and South Carolina. These states...