You’ve spent a number of years working hard to achieve your psychology degree. Now that you have it, perhaps you’re not sure what to do next. After all, there are a number of different options open to you, and it will depend on what your future plans are as well as other factors such as your time and budget as to what your next step is. Read on to find out what your choices are so you are ready to make the right decision for you when the time comes.

Keep Studying

One option that could work for you is to continue to study. Once you have your BA, you can then go on to obtain your psychology MA and, perhaps after that, your Ph.D. It depends on how far you want to go and why you are studying. If it’s to get a particular job, for example, you’ll know how far you have to go, but if it’s for your own enjoyment, you might just want to keep learning and go as far as you can.

Don’t forget that if you take your MA psychology online, you may be able to work at the same time and gain experience in the area you want to go into – and there are various types and specialisms regarding this, too. From child psychology to community psychology as a couple of examples (this university explains what the latter type is:, there are many different psychology MAs you can pursue. Plus, if you opt for an online program, you can learn at your own pace, and there are no face-to-face classes to go to, which means you can potentially work and gain experience while you study.

Find A Job

The other option, once you have earned your degree in psychology, is to look for work. With a psychology degree, you have a variety of avenues open to you, including clinical psychology, occupational psychology, forensic psychologist, and high-intensity therapy. However, this kind of work is not the only kind to look into (although it might be where your passion lies, especially if you are taking an MA in the subject at the same time).

When it comes to a career, it’s always a good idea to investigate as many different pathways as possible because then you can be sure that you’re making the right choice – no one wants to have a job they dislike, and in this world of choice (particularly when you have a degree to help you), that should never be the case.

Other roles within which a psychology degree could help include:

  • Border control
  • Counselor
  • Life coach
  • Social researcher
  • Police officer
  • Market researcher

It’s well worth spending the time you need to look into as many different career options as possible because finding the right place to work and the right tasks you can do may positively impact the rest of your life.

Start A Business

You don’t have to work for someone else when you finish college. If you feel you have a good idea and the necessary skills, you could start your own business. With a psychology degree, becoming a consultant and working in a freelance capacity in some of the jobs mentioned above – plus dozens more – could work out well, allowing you the freedom you need in life but also providing an income and a feeling that you are making a difference.