During 2023, the TecnoCampus has accompanied more than 400 entrepreneurs, which has made possible the creation of 76 new companies and the generation of 115 jobs. Likewise, it has promoted the consolidation and growth of more than 300 companies in the territory, with services and programs for strategic advice, access to financing and internationalization.

The TecnoCampus technology and business park closed in 2023 achieving full occupancy, with 132 hosted companies that employ more than 800 people. Its conference center hosted 450 events with more than 29,700 people in attendance.

According to Claudia Danesi, director of Transfer, Innovation and Business at TecnoCampus, the key to this success lies in the creation of a local ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship. “It is in our DNA to promote an entrepreneurial culture, both among the inhabitants of the city and the Maresme region and among university students.” This, she adds, has been possible thanks to several key factors. Among them, she mentions the existence of a hub of value-added resources to support entrepreneurship and companies. These services are highly valued by entrepreneurs: personalized support itineraries, programs such as Innoempren, PAE service to process the incorporation of companies, financial advice, awards such as CREATIC and Reimagine Textile, and support in sector acceleration and validation of technological projects.

“This comprehensive and specialized support, together with the connection with experts and technology providers, has allowed TecnoCampus to successfully accompany more than 400 entrepreneurs during 2023, turning their ideas into viable and competitive projects in the market,” he values.

At the same time, the creation of specialized incubation spaces with acceleration programs, FabLabs and TechLabs stands out, as well as the connection between academia, administrations and society.

Danesi also explains that TecnoCampus supports both the creation of companies with a high technological and innovative component and those with a more traditional base. “If we carry out an analysis of the advised entrepreneurs, approximately 60% are from more traditional sectors (commerce, restaurants, non-technological services, etc.) and 40% are from a technological or innovative base. In recent years, the growth in the creation of new companies that offer digital and technological services stands out,” he comments.

As a novelty, during 2023 a new high-tech Thinkin 3D incubator was launched for the adoption of additive manufacturing technologies.

This incubator joins the other 3 incubators: the incubator for technological and innovative startups, Antena Tren Lab Mataró for sustainable mobility projects and Reimagine Textile, which hosts startups in the textile sector. It has more than 700m2 of incubation space and a TechLab with state-of-the-art 3D printing equipment. An opportunity for entrepreneurs and companies to learn about, get started and/or consolidate in the use of these technologies.

“ThinkIn 3D articulates its actions through different high-performance strategic and technological acceleration programs aimed at startups, micro-SMEs and SMEs, with the aim of promoting the scaling of newly created companies with the intensive use of additive manufacturing technology, facilitating the creation of companies for entrepreneurs who base their business idea on this technology and help already consolidated companies to transform themselves through technological adoption,” explains Danesi.

Two new vertical specialization programs have also been launched, aligned with strategic projects of the city of Mataró, such as: the Innocare program, aimed at activating the business network and promoting new initiatives in the care economy sector. health; and the Startcircular program, to promote sustainable startups and the incorporation of sustainable elements in consolidated companies.

From the Projects and Research Support Office, almost 3.5 M euros have been raised to develop research and research projects and for the management of entrepreneurship, innovation and business growth programs. It is worth highlighting the notable increase in applications for European projects.

In this way, TecnoCampus consolidates a hub of value-added resources for students, entrepreneurs, startups and SMEs in the territory that include support services for the start-up and growth of the company, and training and support programs specialized in sectors. strategic and innovative strategies, thus contributing significantly to the economic and social development of the territory.

“Since its inception, TecnoCampus was created with the objective of promoting a new economy based on knowledge and innovation. This initial model, in constant evolution, has led it to become a true benchmark as a local ecosystem of innovation and entrepreneurship thanks to the interaction between startups, companies, research groups, talent and first-class business and technological infrastructures.

Currently, the TecnoCampus has full employment and houses more than 130 innovative companies that have a turnover of more than 400 million Euros and employ more than 800 people. Looking ahead to 2024, TecnoCampus has projected its future through a new Strategic Plan that once again highlights its clear vocation for economic and social development through learning oriented to entrepreneurship and innovation and the transfer of knowledge.