The 7. June last year, drove a van from the Netherlands to Denmark, with two kilos of cocaine in the cargo and 12 kilos of MDMA also known as ecstasy.

Behind the wheel sat a driver, as in the Hamletsgade on Nørrebro in Copenhagen met with two young men. Here they changed illegal substances the hands.

But, apparently, followed the police in the affair. In each case the slippage forces, the action and arrested the courier and the two purchasers.

on Friday have the case of the smuggling of a total of 14 kilos of drugs led to the judgment in the Copenhagen city Court. Two men aged 18 and 26 years, has been sentenced to respectively six and nine years in prison.

in Addition, they have both been prohibited to reside in a restricted area on Nørrebro. It informs the prosecutor Annika Jensen from the Special Investigation East (SEØ) under the Copenhagen Police.

The 18-year-old has been denied access to a part of Nørrebro in the six years after the completion of the sentence. The 26-year-old must stay away for eight years.

It was a total of four people indicted, but two of them did not meet up in the Copenhagen city Court. Therefore, their cases will be addressed later.

There is talk about a man and a woman from the Netherlands.

the Whole group was charged along to have planned that the two kilograms of cocaine and 12 kilograms of MDMA was smuggled from the Netherlands to Denmark.

Narkoen was delivered in a van by a man who since has died. There is, therefore, not indict him.

He met with the two now convicted in Nørrebro, where he delivered the illegal substances.

the Meeting was, according to the prosecution arranged by appointment with the man and the woman from the Netherlands.

Prosecutor Annika Jensen argued in court that the two young men had to be punished with between 10 and 12 years in prison.

But the court said that not to such a severe punishment was appropriate.

– There are at two long prison sentences, and we are very satisfied with the whole process. That has prevented the large amount of drugs were scattered in Copenhagen, says Annika Jensen.

– But we will now review the judgment and consider whether we want to appeal.

The oldest of the two is in addition to the smuggling of drugs has been convicted of having kept 200 grams of cocaine, and 985 grams of skunk in a garage in Emdrup in the north-west part of Copenhagen.

the Substances have to be transferred to the other.

at the same time, is the youngest known to be guilty of a violation of the knivloven, when he on the same day as the 14 kilos of drugs arrived to Denmark, was in possession of an illegal knife in a public place.

The convicted has after the judgment asked for time to consider whether they should appeal byrettens decision to the high court.