like thousands of other danes sat tv-host Sofie Østergaard on Wednesday evening in front of the screen, as the prime minister Mette Frederiksen announced that Denmark more or less shuts down in 14 days in the fight against coronasmitte.

in addition to stand in the forefront of the DR programme ‘Versus’ driver Sofie Østergaard dance studio Beatjump in Holte, which is affected by the fear of coronasmitte.

– It is, after all, not all of us, that can work at home, as the prime minister called for. I have had to close down my studio in the coming weeks. But I have 20-25 instructors hired, and suddenly I started to play with the idea that we actually could work from home, she says.

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Her idea quickly got air under the wings. The instructors volunteered ready and already on Thursday could Østergaard and her team offer up to the first fjernundervisningstime in the dance.

– Along with an employee, I spent many hours in the evening and night to test and develop. How could we avoid the delay in the music and would it work on different platforms. But I am simply so proud that we have succeeded, ” she says, and encourages other associations and clubs to throw himself into something similar.

– It’s just a dance, someone will maybe say, but I think that it is important that we in this time retain a sort of community. We do a lot of instructors talk with our students and just get said hi. And for many children it means something, that they need something for a specific period of time. And that corona should be something at 16, and that there is actually someone who is waiting for a, she says and continues.

– Even the four-year-old jumps with the home from living rooms and get said hello to their peers and their instructor. The kind of community one must not underestimate, she says.

the Interest in distance learning have, according to Sofie Østergaard has been huge, and she is now considering to extend, so that everyone can dance with.

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– There are 100 per. time. I must have completely mastered it, there are lots of rules with the GDPR and the sort of thing that I need to put myself into, before I can promise you that it can be done, she says.

– For us it is important that it is live, so you can get feedback and, not least, the sense of community. We can provide lots of high five’s through the screen, which certainly are not contagious. Whether it is the football clubs or gymnastics clubs, so I hope that more will do the same, sounds the call.