If you want a bid on, what your and other homes, which are not put up for sale costs just now, there are several options on the internet. On bolighed.dk, Geomatic (and dingeo.dk) and BoligSkøn (Nordea), you can get free bids on boligprisen on specific homes, and in men study.dk you can for 199 kr. on the month get a so-called report of the price of your or other residential.

Here you can read more about the different options and see a test of the prices of the two homes, as Organic Bolius has made.

Organic Bolius have tested the four computers on a 97 m2 big murermestervilla in Odense V, with a basement of 57 m2 and a 105 m2 house from 1986 in Hillerød, denmark. The villa in Odense, denmark, was sold in december 2017, to 1,875 million kr., while the house in Hillerød was eventually sold in 1996.

Here is the betting on what the houses cost right now:

Bolighed: 2,11 million dkk.Men study: 1,96 million krBoligSkøn Nordea: 1,89 million dkk.Geomatic/dingeo: 1,84 million dkk.

Bolighed: 2,81 million dkk.Geomatic/dingeo: 2,64 million dkk.Men study: 2,57 million dkk.BoligSkøn Nordea: 2,56 million dkk.

Bolighed have the highest rates by both houses, while the other sites have different rankings. It is not possible to say who has the most correct rates, as it will require that the houses were sold now to be able to compare the sale price with the current bid prices.

the Bids on selling prices are based on a number of public databases, as is considered further on.

however, There may be errors in several of the databases, and therefore you can not rely completely on the information. At the same time you must be aware that you may not be able to sell your home for as much money, if your home is in poor condition, while the reverse can make your property worth more, if you have renovated the bathroom or a new kitchen. The type of improvement is rarely recorded in some places, and therefore, the databases may not detect it.

You can even check and correct if necessary. erroneous or deficient information in the BBR.


It is not all owner-occupied housing, you can find on the bolighed.dk. But the goal is to get as much home ownership as possible.

At the moment it is not possible to get information on:

A smaller proportion of the general ejerboligerVillalejlighederBoliger owned by virksomhederBoliger completely or partially applied to the erhvervLejeboliger.

You can contact bolighed.dk, if your accommodation is not available on the website.

On the website bolighed.dk you can check what your and 2.3 million other houses and apartments, is estimated to be worth right now.

It is the three banks, Sydbank, Spar Nord and Arbejdernes Landsbank (AL Bank), as well as Nykredit, which is behind the bolighed.dk.

Select ‘All’ in the box above the search box. Enter your (or another) address in the search box and select it. Scroll down and see Boligheds assessment of the price in the ‘Data-rating’. If it does not display a data assessment, you can use the m2-price assessment, which is a more coarse-grained assessment

You can bl.a. also see:

How much the home is increased or decreased in value since 2004. The expected price for the next two years. How the average price per. m2 is compared to other homes with the same zip code. The expected length of stay (how long it takes to sell the home). A bid on what it will cost to own the home

at the same time, you can get more detailed information about the home, e.g. the size of the reason, the real estate tax rate, municipality and local plans and the risk for radon gas and flooding, noise and burglaries in the home.

According to the Bolighed.dk, most of the homes sold within +/- 10 % of the value, as Bolighed estimates that the dwelling has.

So much does it cost to sell his house

Screenshot: Dingeo.dk

the Geomatics website and on dingeo.dk, that gets data from Geomatic, and therefore have the same prices, you can also get a bid on the home’s value right now.

Vurderingsprisen is a so-called computerberegnet AVM-assessment of your dwelling – house, cottage and condo – if there is spatial enough for such an assessment.

AVM (Analytical Valuation Model), as Geomatic stands behind, used according to the dingeo.dk of several Danish banks to boligprisvurdering and ‘provides a conservative valuation, which statistically hits close to actual market prices.’

In the same way as with the other vurderingsmodeller, you should pay attention to, that the outcome may differ significantly from the price at which the home can be sold for.

the Geomatics website, you can enter your – or a second dwelling address and get an estimated market price. There is the possibility of three free lookups per day. day.

On the dingeo.dk you will follow the same approach, but here you can do it as many times as you want. In addition you get information on how vurderingsprisen has evolved in the past year. Press the tab ‘Valuation’, if you want further information on how the price of your accommodation, has been assessed.

On the dingeo.dk you can also find a variety of other information about your accommodation, e.g. facts about the home, traffic noise, pollution and risk for burglary, flood, and radon.

See your neighbor’s land registration – free

At the Nordea BoligSkøn you can also get an assessment of the sales price or purchase price on a home just now.

Enter an address, and then there comes a suggestion of what the home is worth. BoligSkøn provide even a guess as to where good træfsikkerheden is on the price, but you can go in and affect it by to give a bid on the home’s location, exterior and interior condition, energy level, and amenity.

In men study.dk is it possible to get a so-called report of the price of your or other homes right now, if the dwelling has been sold from 1992 onwards.

The cost, however, 199 kr. on the month, and you must be registered as a user.

the Calculations are based on your dwelling and other buildings on the site, Realkreditrådets per square meter in the postal code, the sale of comparable homes in the immediate area, the difference between the previous selling prices for dwelling in conjunction with Realkreditrådets per square meter as well as a weighting of the four things.

Go into the men study.dk/assessment report. Order The Assessment Report. Enter the address.

How to find the sale price of a home

Organic Bolius is owned by Realdania.

Organic Bolius is non-commercial and sells neither products nor services.