No one can deny the importance of having a secure office – an office that is adequately protected at all times, ensuring that your assets (both your employees and your physical assets such as equipment) are safe. In today’s world, security is a vital element for any business, whether you’re a small business in a suburban community or a big business in the big city. But security can come in many forms, and you have many options regarding enhancing the security of your premises. You can opt for electronic security systems, or you can choose to have a mobile security patrol. You can opt to enhance the security of your perimeter, or you can also opt for an alarm response service. But there is one type of security service which may be ideal for the kind of business you have: a locking and unlocking service.

A locking and unlocking service may serve as an ideal choice if you have several business premises or if you have a business which operates long hours or operates at night. Here are the most important benefits of a locking and unlocking service for your business.

A service that’s available at the end of the work day

Let’s say you have an employee who is working late, or you have working hours that extend until the evening. You don’t want your employees’ safety compromised if they have to lock the office themselves. But with a locking and unlocking service, you can benefit from an officer who will go to your place of business and lock your premises for you. What’s more, the officer will not just lock your premises – they will also make sure to perform a full check or patrol of your premises so that all your doors and windows are properly locked and secured and all your equipment is safely turned off. 

A service that helps you open at the beginning of the day

On the next working day, the locking and unlocking service officer will also be there to unlock your business premises so that your employees can go in and start the work day. The unlocking service is ideal if your workers start early (before daylight), but also if you are uncomfortable with giving one or two of your employees full access to the premises. The locking and unlocking officer will hold the keys and make sure to open your office at the beginning of the day.

The benefits to you

The benefits of this kind of service are enormous, as confirmed by the security experts in Oxford from Securipol Ltd. If you are running a small business and you have been the one opening and closing the office for a long time, the locking and unlocking service saves you time and effort since you no longer have to be there at the start and end of each day. Another notable benefit is that you don’t have to rely on any one of your employees. As much as we would like to avoid thinking about such a thing, employee theft is all too common, and you want to avoid presenting this temptation to your employees.

The locking and unlocking officer can also serve as a deterrent, and you can have added peace of mind with the knowledge that your office is safe and secure. Each day can start and end in a safe, organised, and efficient way.

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