Social networks have become a perfect forum to report reckless driving and remember that any dangerous maneuver can have consequences for us and other drivers. Even institutions and security forces take advantage of bad practices to raise awareness that responsible management is essential to save lives. 

Among so many less than exemplary cases, we find some exceptions, such as that of a driver who, seeing that the boy in front could not go up a ramp in Barcelona with his vehicle, got out to help him, as can be seen in a TikTok publication. 

In the video, you can see how the Volkswagen driver is not able to move forward with his car. He tries again and again to climb the hill, but fails in his attempt. And he gets more and more nervous when he sees that the vehicle goes backwards until it collides with another user. 

The response of the driver you just collided with is not what many expect. This man gets out of the car and goes to help him. In the end it is he who ends the traffic jam that has formed on the street. 

Many users applaud this man’s gesture. “Bravo the driver in the back. Patience, because people are not born learned,” explains one. “A ten for the man who helps you. Others whistle at him and get more nervous. “We have all been Nobel Prize winners in driving,” adds another. And most agree: “More people like him.”